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Free e-book to deal with chemtrails effects

dh | 02.08.2002 23:58

Some free practical help to ameliorate the repeated illnesses associated with the spraying of the UK



to update this comments page with something new:

04.06.2007 10:24

See this recent post regardsing the illegal spraying air pollution human rights violation menace:

Paul T
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03.08.2002 01:00

You'd think the peeps would figure it out; chemtrails = drought, flood, famine, dust bowls, no water, Bush fires, toxic smog - global genocide anyone?

Useless Eater

Chemtrails? Poppycock!

03.08.2002 03:24

A 30 000 feet flying jet leaves a long, white contrail (condensation trail) lingering behind it on the horizon. Rather than dissipating, the trail floats intact, crossed by a perpendicular flying jet's contrail. The X pattern formed by the two trails is repeated by other jets, turning the once clear sky into a blue and fluffy white patchwork.

An increasingly vocal sky-watcher fringe declares this everyday occurrence as a massive broad daylight military action, a widespread spraying operation. They claim these contrails aren't just made up of water crystals. Maybe it's an inoculation program, a large-scale test, or an open attack on the world's citizens!

'Chemtrails' are said to contain 'ethylene dibromide' (toxic additive to JP-8 jet fuel); 'Pseudomonas fluorescens' (a bacteria used by the military for bio-remediation; known to cause respiratory illness and blood infections); unidentified substances used to seed cirrus clouds for weather modification; Anthrax; E. coli; even elements of nanotechnology. Theorists claim after days of heavy activity over particular urban areas, clinics will report epidemic levels of patients with flu-like symptoms, upper respiratory problems, and other illnesses.

The domestic bio-warfare connection was given the most validity after former Lycos 'Entertainment News Service' reporter William Thomas wrote an article series about contrails that occasionally dripped down to earth in cobweb-like strands. Thomas said he and a medical expert collected samples of a 'brown, gel-like substance' that splattered over the sides of two aluminium structures in separate states and had them tested at an 'EPA'-licensed facility.

The lab discovered 'Pseudomona flourescens', 'Enterobacter cloacae', and 'Serratia marcescens', one of the 'simulants' the 'London Telegraph' reported the British 'Ministry of Defence' sprayed from a ship over Dorset's population during the 1970s. Bio-warfare proponents are bolstered by Dr. Leonard Cole (Rutgers University), who testified before the US Senate about army vulnerability testing staged between 1949-1969 (and still today at Salt Lake City's 'Dugway Proving Ground'). Agents released 'simulants' later found to be toxic from cars' exhaust pipes, wind-powered suitcases, boats, and even light-bulbs thrown New York City subway cars' tracks to test domestic vulnerability to bio-chemical warfare attacks. With proven records of populace testing behind 'Clouds of Secrecy', what's to cast doubt on contemporary high altitude spraying claims?

Lack of evidence for one. No chemtrail conspiracy proponent has released documented lab tests of the trails' composition. Thomas still hasn't published his 'EPA' lab test results anywhere. A 'New Mexico' newspaper interviewer quoted him saying he would do so if offered grants large enough to launch proper investigations. More questionable still is his chemtrail remedy pills business. Cole isn't aware of any modern jet plane testing and considers it unlikely the military would test at such heights: results would be difficult to track over such wide areas. The aviation science underlying claims is also problematic, according to marine turbine engineer Jay Reynolds, the most notable chemtrail debunker: "If you pass almost any chemical through a gas turbine engine, the combustion temperature is like 2000 degrees. Nothing survives: it's an incinerator."

Thomas has alluded to Air Force weather modification projects and the infamous 'HAARP'. But NASA's 'Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project' (AEAP) determined heavy contrail activity over a New England commercial flight path is responsible for 2% more cloudiness than normal.

The chemtrail community mirrors the UFOlogy underworld before 'The X-Files': explanatory reports are shared on message boards and poorly designed web-sites; believers continually cross-cite their work whilst including scant outside research. Debunkers are dismissed as government agents. Before missiles are aimed at unmarked jets, let's hope lab results are handy!


There's a war on!

03.08.2002 10:49

Contrails are water based and dissipate almost instantly behind the plane, chemtrails are oil based and remain for hours, and this can be seen in an unnatural rainbow corona around the sun. The rain dumped in northern England whith more rain in one night in Yorkshire than it's had for 30 years, is caused by diverting the jet stream.

Want to really mess with the troops? Just focus the IZ in a large fault zone -- say such as the San Andreas fault in California. Use the exothermic interferometry mode. You deposit energy slowly in that fault zone. The stress increases. Eventually the plate edges shift, and you have an earthquake. If you want a very powerful quake, put the energy in gradually, so that a sort of "overpotential" or "overpressure" builds up, past where the rocks would normally slip. Then when they let go, you've got a real nice big one.

You can see what might happen if one also toys around with a sleeping volcano.

Today at least three other nations besides the KGB rogue group in Russia have scalar potential interferometer weapons. The weather engineering is just one of the EARLY capabilities. The most powerful weapons on earth are not nuclear. They are quantum potential in nature, using a modified Whittaker EM to implement David Bohm's hidden variable theory of quantum mechanics.

Meanwhile, since our own electrical physicists have rather thoroughly failed us, and just keep teaching the horribly flawed old electrodynamics, we will continue to watch as the weather is hostilely engineered, as even earthquakes are engineered from time to time, and as another small nation which must remain unnamed, saves us and prevents our destruction.

Anyway, that's what is really happening to the weather. Understand, not every tornado is artificial! But a lot of them are spawned artificially. And the weather is being "steered," by steering the jetstreams.

Didn't know whether such things would even interest you, but thought I'd expose them anyway. Most scientists are very uncomfortable with even the notion that something substantial is wrong with our physics texts. But such is true. Until we do the necessary foundations overhaul, we will continue to teach and use a highly inferior science. And we will continue to see more and more anomalous weather which is going to STAY anomalous. In fact, it's going to get a bit worse.

There's a whole war going on out there.


Laugh while he's talking

03.08.2002 10:55

Darren, so full of criticisms, show us your expertly well-made web-site which explains with interesting detailed information why we are all so wrong, and then I'll believe you.

Useless Eater

THere have been some odd shapes over London

03.08.2002 14:09

in the last week or so; Ive been photographing them because they looked so pretty, but it never occurred that they might be caused deliberately. In fact, im not entirely convinced now, and I cant say i saw any planes laying them down in particular patterns, but thought i'd mention it...


As I recall,

03.08.2002 14:17

hasnt "cloud-seeding" been experimented with since the 1950s ? So, quite possible this is (if its true, that is) an extension of the earlier program.
Similarly (and theres no doubt about this) the talk about possible contamination of escaped GM material became reality as far back as 1957, even going into the realm of B Movies when the so-called Killer Bees were created. This was, after all, a rudimentary GM experiment (crossing strains of bee that would never meet in the wild) and the results we can read about in trashy tabloids.
thereofre, dont dismiss the chemtrail suppositions.


Jay Reynolds' Contrails debunking website

03.08.2002 19:45

What a scaremongery. Check Jay Reynolds' Contrails debunking website on

- Homepage:

De Nile is not a river in Egypt

03.08.2002 20:40

Jay Reynolds, is a liar, a charlatan and CIA disinformation agent. But you'd rather accept his debunkery than the evidence falling from the sky.


A question regarding chronology

03.08.2002 21:38

It appears that the distinction made by "chemtrails" believers between a "normal" contrail and a "chemtrail" is that the former dissipates rapidly while the latter persists and/or spreads into a cirrus-type cloud.

I personally observed contrails developing into cloud cover back in the fall of 1969, when I was in sixth grade.

During WWII, when fleets of Allied bombers etched the skies of Europe with thousands of contrails, the same behavior was occasionally observed.

Are we then to conclude that the evil, evil gummint was spraying us with chemicals back in '69? Or that back in the '40s the MIBs considered spraying to be important enough to burden heavily-laden warplanes with payloads which contributed nothing to their military mission?

These are both legitimate conclusions if you assume that a persistent or spreading trail is by definition a "chemtrail".



03.08.2002 23:29

Then there's Barrow of course - home to nuclear waste dumping and the Trident submarine. And just by walking the street you can be struck down by leisure centre Forum 28's Legionnaires offering. My arse! Wonder if there was any spewjets there over the past few days leaving trails across the skies, Would imagine so. All people with a lowered immune system from our imperial nuclear capability


even the blairs

04.08.2002 00:07

Even th umbrella'ed blair family laugh in our face from St Bees
How coincidental!


Reality check

05.08.2002 20:51

Do a reality check: where do the people who run the world live? They live in places like London, New York, Los Angeles, they have families and places of work and play. It think it most unlikely that the people who run the world are going to fxxxup their own lair. Chem trails over New Delhi or Luanda, or Cairo, or Bagdad, that I might find plausible. But you can bet that, for the moment, those of us with 0207 or 0208 phone numbers are being well protected.

There is enough real danger in the world. Lets leave this chemtrail mirage behind
