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Anarchist Discussion Meeting

Steve | 01.08.2002 20:12

Discussion at LARC 8-10pm Fri 2nd Aug

'The Role of Dialogue in A Revolutionary Movement'

Open Debate with brief intro

Anarchist Discussion at LARC 8-10pm Fri 2nd Aug

62 Fieldgate St Whitechapel

'The Role of Dialogue in A Revolutionary Movement'

Open Debate, with brief intro

unchaired if less than 15 people

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01.08.2002 21:40

No offense intended against anarchists, but does anyone else find it slightly ludicrous that the notice says "not chaired if under fifteen people"...? Essentially, leadership and hierarchy are irrelevant, unless too many people are there. In which case we need revolutionary discipline, comrades. Anyway, isn't there a secretly elitist agenda there in that they have booked a speaker? Why do his views have more validity than anyone else's? Surely, the truly anarchist meeting would be to have a bunch of people sat around each with as much time as they need to explicate their case? And who decided on the subject of the meeting? Who organised the meeting? Was it voted on, and was there a fifty-one percent majority? Because it not, that's blatant authoritarianism, and I move to dissolve the meeting and allow the attendees to decide what meeting they want to have. I'm coming to that fucking meeting, and if everything isn't organised PRECISELY in accordance with my strict libertarian inclinations, I'm going to smash the fucking windows. So there.

ps: You may now commence with the various "stupid Trot", "SWP politics are boring and authoritarian" and "the workers revolutionary league of international proletarians has always argued that line, and I object to your making light of it", lines that I have become familiar with on this wonderful site.

mail e-mail:

No,all this show........

02.08.2002 00:43 that you really dont understand anarchism at all.

And please dont come to the meeting,because that will teach to think foryourself,outside of your dogmatic box.



02.08.2002 00:52

Have you got nothing better to do with your time, Mr Anarchists-are-rubbish-trotskyists-are great?

What do you want? I mean, what would be your driving force? If you want to overthrow the system, what would you replace it with? Is your ultimate goal any different from the anarchists' utopian dream?

So we argue about the best way to get there. How do we organise for the overthrow of state and capital? Can't we fight together but in different ways? On different fronts. Same war.

Or do we have a different end in mind? Do we both want to overthrow both capital AND state? Or are the anarchists just paranoid about the Trot Plot to enslave the workers? Again.

And then again, all you anarchists that whinge about the SWP taking over YOUR movement with it's GR front. Still gives you plenty of cover to smash windows when theres 50 000 GR placards on the street on your latest anti-capitalist gap year vacation riot.

Oh, I give up, I really do. I've had it with you lot. I'm going now.


A j o k e, d'you see?

02.08.2002 23:37

A fucking joke. Don't you see? Irony. My end goal is very similar to the anarchist dream. I simply differ with their tactics, which was what this post was about, in a round-about-fucking-with-y'all kind of way. The tedious arguments over 'authoritarian' SWP and 'sectarian' anarchists are unworthy of us. I think anarchists are vastly preferrable to social democrats, reformists and Stalinists, (there's still a few knocking about).

Come on, though. Isn't it sooooo amusing? Unchaired if under fifteen attending? Come on!!

Alright, if you people can't take a fucking joke, I'll go back to posting insults on the Taliban News website. Always goes down a fucking treat.

mail e-mail:

Boring joke

04.08.2002 14:22

It wasnt funny.At all.
