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Mike Lane | 01.08.2002 10:18

Were is the left wing really coming from? They hate each other and have always been at each other’s throats. Four or five left wing parties in the UK. It beggars belief. Oh yes I know we now have the Socialist Alliance, but this new entity mainly consists of the Socialist Party and the Marxists and they are always arguing with each other. It matters little anyway, because all of these parties and most of their members have got their heads permanently preoccupied with international issues.

There are many terrible things happening around the world, especially in this day and age. Precarious times lay ahead for most of the world’s population as we witness the death of democracy in our countries, locally and nationally. But we must never take our eyes of local issues. The problem with the left in the UK is they are always putting most of their energy into international issues, and worthy these issues are, but local councils and central government in the UK are more corrupt to day than they have ever been. Then we have the situation connected with the media telling lies on a daily basis.

I’m not saying that we should ignore international issues, heaven forbid. Only that we should be more aware of local issues. Take for instance the situation connected with regeneration and council services. Lets use Merseyside as an example. The Liverpool City Council is so incompetent and corrupt that the running of the council is like a scene from Monty Pythons Flying Circus. And the local parochial newspaper, the Liverpool Echo, tries to make the rest of the country believe that every thing in Liverpool and Merseyside is wonderful.

Why can’t the left understand that when they are involved in international issues all the time they are playing right into the hands of the powers that be in UK government. When the lefts mind is constantly preoccupied with international issues the easier it is for the right and the conniving moderates in the UK to perpetuate the miseries of the poor and the socially excluded. Surely it would be more beneficial if the left helped sort out what was happening in the UK, then they would be even better equipped to help in other countries. But what’s the use of trying to reason with the left. “YOU MIGHT AS WELL BE SPEAKING INTO THE WIND”!

Mike Lane
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Display the following 12 comments

  1. Spot on. — Jim
  2. problem is .. — radical chicken
  3. Local depends on your point of view — Visitation
  4. Pardon me! — D
  5. 4 D — radical chicken
  6. It makes me laugh so very much... — Michael
  7. radical chicken — radical cow
  8. .. — mantrastic
  9. Not so radical — spooksniffer
  10. spooked — awd chicken
  11. Wot? Proved wot? — Spooksniffer
  12. I smell a rat — Ras D