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The people's Puddle

Bitchead | 31.07.2002 19:37

Diana’s been ditched.

It’s been five years since the People’s Princess was dispensed with, to make way for the rottweiler, after producing an heir. Before her tragic death, she was never off the front page, since she died, she’s never been on it. The media ditched the memory of Diana Spencer and buried her crusade against landmines. Now after five years of procrastination, it has been decided by the Culture Secretary, that her memorial in Hyde Park should be a ditch. The establishment knows that a more prominent monument would invite such a renewed interest in the Queen of Hearts, that once again, she would overshadow the Heartless Queen.



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Good riddance

31.07.2002 22:26

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Good riddance, "people's princess" my arse.

Johnny M