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T.B or not T.B

Shake Spear | 31.07.2002 17:50


All of the children in my son’s year at school were advised to receive a skin test and T.B jab for protection against a new epidemic (two cases in one school.) I refused this immunisation for my child, but his teacher told him, “he might as well have it, everyone else is.” He was also told by a friend it wasn’t my decision, but my son’s.

However, my son did not participate in the programme, despite his friends mocking him, saying; “ha-ha, you’ll get T.B.” The ‘friends’ are now laughing on the other side of their face, because they had a horrendous reaction to this vaccine, most developed a painful swollen supurating sore, others fainted.

Up to a month after the injection they still had a large scab which was oozing a putrid green substance from a hole the size of a pen nib. Their body was trying to reject some toxic substance, what that toxin was, is anyone’s guess. Medical procedures should be confined to hospitals, not schools. It is not the responsibility of schools to administer risky ‘health care’ to children, but an education. Educate the pupils on the danger of vaccines.

Shake Spear
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who'''s at fault

31.07.2002 20:27

Asylum Seekers bring in their wretched diseases +hetero Aids from Africans. Quick deportations please

the enquirer

Better than getting TB

31.07.2002 22:16

Shake Spear (weird name), any short term reaction is 1000 time better than contracting TB. Haven't you seen the news recently? I heard that they actually stopped the BCG vaccine due to lack of money, and now there has been several outbreaks in Leicester and Devon in the past few years.

"the enquirer" (even weirder), stop trying to justify facism and get a life! There is no true evidence that asylum seekers carry diesease with them, other than what is already present in this country. If anyone should be depoted it's you, preferbaly to one of these countries where your ideas are fully in action.

Thomas J

Come on Thomas J

31.07.2002 23:36

You're ok. But please don't believe what you're told about vaccination. Most of the vaccines have been produced right at the end of the disease in question's natural cycle. A vaccination is a disease pattern laid over your energy body. It compromises your immune system and can lead to chronic disease sooner or later. All in the interests of the drug cartels who profit from the relinquishment of people's responsibility for their own health and obsequiousness to the medical establishment


Enquire s'more

01.08.2002 10:29

Bollox and propaganda. You'd have to be playing with a refugee's faeces to contract T.B. ALTHOUGH YOU PROBABLY DO!! Follow the link... THERE IS NO FUCKING EPIDEMIC!!

When will you get the message? Governmnet lies, lies, lies, and lies.... vilifies and humiliates asylum seekers at every opportunity... and don't slag my name.

Shake Spear
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OK, there may be dangers with vaccines

01.08.2002 16:13

OK, so some vaccines are at best controversial, particulaly the MMR vaccine, with its link to bowel disease and autism, and the whooping cough vaccine, with the slight chance of brain damage. However, these diseses are very serious, and before vaccination were responsible for the deaths of thousands of children each year. Sorry dh, but I think the dangers of contracting diesease like tetanus, polio, whooping cough, and measles (all four are potentially fatal) are far greater than any reactions that the body may have through vaccinations.

My apologies for Shake Spear if I insulted his name, but one thing, I wasn't they one who was blaming asylum seekers, it was that "enquirer". Only your reply seemed to treat us as the same person, we're not, we're TOTALLY different.

Thomas J