GERMANY: Total objector in military arrest
CONCODOC | 29.07.2002 16:57
29 July 2002
GERMANY: Total objector in military arrest
War Resisters' International learned today that German total objector Thomas Kroll is in military arrest since 3 July.
Thomas Kroll reported to the barracks in Bad Reichenhall on 1 July. It seems that during the first days the soldiers didn't really know how to deal with a total objector, and so Thomas Kroll wasn't officially arrested, but spent his days with a mattress and blanket at the officer in charge.
Commander Hauptmann Hartung tried to threaten Thomas Kroll and his mother with three years imprisonment, but without any effect. He also mentioned that Thomas' action is aimed against the constitution, because he is opposed to conscription.
His colleague Haase tried to get an arrest warrant from the prosecution and the court, in order not to deal with the "problem" himself - but failed too. On 3 July in the evening he finally arrested Thomas Kroll.
On 4 July the disciplinary court ordered an arrest of seven days, until 10 July.
On 10 July Thomas Kroll was released, and ordered to go to the 5th companie. There again he refused orders, and was arrested. On 11 July the sentence was 14 days arrest.
On 24 July Thomas Kroll was released, and left the barracks for one day. After his return he was again arrested - this time for 21 days. It is highly likely that Thomas Kroll will be arrested again - for another 21 days - after his release.
War Resisters' International calls for letters of support to Thomas Kroll.
Thomas Kroll
z.Zt. 5./GebJgBat 231
- Arrestzelle -
Nonner Strasse 23
83435 Bad Reichenhall
War Resisters' International calls for letters of protest to the German authorities, and German embassies abroad.
War Resisters' International calls for the immediate release of Thomas Kroll and all conscientious objectors.
Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International
Peter Struck
Bundesminister der Verteidigung
Stauffenbergstr. 18
10784 Berlin
Telefax: +49-30-2004-8553
Adresses of German embassies can be found at
29 July 2002
GERMANY: Total objector in military arrest
War Resisters' International learned today that German total objector Thomas Kroll is in military arrest since 3 July.
Thomas Kroll reported to the barracks in Bad Reichenhall on 1 July. It seems that during the first days the soldiers didn't really know how to deal with a total objector, and so Thomas Kroll wasn't officially arrested, but spent his days with a mattress and blanket at the officer in charge.
Commander Hauptmann Hartung tried to threaten Thomas Kroll and his mother with three years imprisonment, but without any effect. He also mentioned that Thomas' action is aimed against the constitution, because he is opposed to conscription.
His colleague Haase tried to get an arrest warrant from the prosecution and the court, in order not to deal with the "problem" himself - but failed too. On 3 July in the evening he finally arrested Thomas Kroll.
On 4 July the disciplinary court ordered an arrest of seven days, until 10 July.
On 10 July Thomas Kroll was released, and ordered to go to the 5th companie. There again he refused orders, and was arrested. On 11 July the sentence was 14 days arrest.
On 24 July Thomas Kroll was released, and left the barracks for one day. After his return he was again arrested - this time for 21 days. It is highly likely that Thomas Kroll will be arrested again - for another 21 days - after his release.
War Resisters' International calls for letters of support to Thomas Kroll.
Thomas Kroll
z.Zt. 5./GebJgBat 231
- Arrestzelle -
Nonner Strasse 23
83435 Bad Reichenhall
War Resisters' International calls for letters of protest to the German authorities, and German embassies abroad.
War Resisters' International calls for the immediate release of Thomas Kroll and all conscientious objectors.
Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International
Peter Struck
Bundesminister der Verteidigung
Stauffenbergstr. 18
10784 Berlin
Telefax: +49-30-2004-8553
Adresses of German embassies can be found at
