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Stopping the war on Iraq

Thomas J | 28.07.2002 16:12

If/when the war on Iraq starts, people need to take more direct action than was taken during the Afghanistan campagin, since the protests then did not prevent the bloodshed in that country, which is still going on now.

Lessons need to be learnt from anti-war campagins when Afganistan was being heavily bombed (I think it might still be the case though press attention has died down). Despite two major rallies in Hyde Park, the Stop the War Coalition never manged to stop this, and now Afghanistan faces an uncertain future once more. I now think that we need to take more direct action, along the lines of what Tony Been said last March. I am talking about thowing a generous quantity of sand into the cogs of the capitialist machine that makes this war possible, rather than just shouting at it, and causing normal life in this country to grind to a halt. Such action inculde: Blocking petrol depots, Blocking the supply to power stations, holding RTS style rallies (Critical Mass and the like) on major roads and motorways. Pesuade trade unions to take industrial action (even a general strike), should this war start.

Thomas J


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Military Dictatorship USA

28.07.2002 16:54

It is older men who declare war, but it is the youth who fight and die.

Uncle Sam
- Homepage:

Damn right!

28.07.2002 18:02

Couldn't agree more, Thomas J. We need to bring this country to a standstill, instantly the war has begun. Benn's proposition of having a one hour stoppage is a good starting point, but we can do better. I think if we liaise the antiwar campaign with the growing industrial militancy in this country, we'll have a far greater chance of causing some ruckus. We ought to have sit-downs on the roads etc., but a national strike would be better.

mail e-mail:


28.07.2002 18:38

someone find out where british troops will be shipped from - lock down at all bases, handcuff to equipment, block gates, anything that physically blocks offensive war will attract the right kind of attention.


Tony's Crusade

28.07.2002 20:26

We better get a move on, the battleship HMS Ocean has already set sail for the Gulf, due to arrive in Autumn, in time for a war that the British people have not been notified of, consulted about or consented to.

Blair said, we must follow "precedents" on the issue of Iraq, presumably he means Precedent Bush?



28.07.2002 21:15

A quick correction...we need to act BEFORE Iraq is invaded. It'll be too late otherwise!


Matt S


28.07.2002 23:02

Matt S, I agree it would be great if there never was a war on Iraq, but it's doubtful that most people will take action until the shit finally hits the fan. I'm just saying we need to do a lot more than wave placards and chant slogans in Hyde Park if we are to get the politicians to stop this disgraceful war.

Lenin and geo, your postings have given me something to think about, hopefully I'll find someone who will be willing to carry out them. Keep it up!

Thomas J

Within the Gate

28.07.2002 23:47

Why do we take our protest to Travulgar Square, which commemorates another bloody war fuelled by bankers? Take it straight to the gate of the House of Common theives, liars, conmen, perverts and satanists?

Game On

pledge of resistance

30.07.2002 11:38

On the subject, there is a pledge of resistance initiated by ARROW, see :

it goes :

''I pledge to take part in nonviolent civil disobedience in the event of a major US/UK attack on Iraq or any other country in the course of the "war on terrorism". ''

and can be signed online.


Use Caution

30.07.2002 15:26

But think of it this way... if Bush Inc. and the UK govt. are stopped from invading Iraq and getting their oil, they are going to get very VERY pissed off. Then there's no telling what they might do to the public in order to justify their war. 3000 were murdered on September 11th in order to provide the excuse to invade Afghanistan... what could be next? A suitcase nuke in a major US/European city appears almost certain.


Re: Icky

31.07.2002 17:12

I hope that even our government would not stoop to such measures as nuking its own people, (I don't subscribe to the US goverment 9/11 conspricay theory, even if it made it easier for them to 'justify' war on Afghanistan), and even if they did, the resistance against the war will continue, as it has done after 9/11, and the utter disgust generated by such a despicable act would result in the governments being brought down by popular uprising.

Bearing that in mind, I think that people should do whatever it takes to get the leaders to stop this war and start listening to what people really want.

Thomas J