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How will we fight the War on Iraq?

Ras D | 27.07.2002 13:50

Time to prepare for (Anti-) War

It is now fairly likely that we will have an attack on Iraq sometime this coming autumn. The economic crisis in the US, which is sending seismic shudders in Europe's economy, is connected to a political crisis for the Bu$h/Cheney Presidency, and for the Blair elected dictatorship. There are congressional elections in November. A number of official and unofficial sources tell us the US and the UK are gearing up for an "October surprise", in order to swing a patriotic mandate. There is a buildup taking place right now: it is time for the anti-war movement to mobilize with equal efficiency: careful planning, training, logistical preparation, calculation of short, medium and long-term strategies. This can take place within small groups of friends. Just talk to your mates and ask them what they feel able to do if this blows up. Talk at your workplace. Get informed: prepare people to deconstruct the lies that have been and are going to be retailed to them. Prepare your friends and colleagues, your own small piece of society, to fight. Time to wake up, and get ready, to build those local circles of dissent which will be the basis of national and intenational mobilization.

I hope that the "security" services employees who read these messages will pass on the following piece of information to their policy masters: I am a typical civillian leftie, I don't belong to any party, I only turn up to the odd demonstration every few years, I work too hard at my job to have much time for activism, I usually just read the Guardian and Private Eye and grit my teeth at the corruption and evil that is in power today. There are millions and millions of people like me in both Britain and the US. We don't believe the lies about weapons of mass destructions, we don't really believe much that Bush or Blair say. We see this coming attack on Iraq as a blunt war of aggression for domestic political advantage, there is no fig leaf of an attack on Kuwait or September 11 to hide behind. We will turn these countries upside down.

Ras D
- e-mail:


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We've got your number sunshine

27.07.2002 14:12

Don't worry mate, we've already traced your IP address and several men in trenchcoats will be waking you up early some morning this week to scrub you down with wire wool before applying electrodes to your already bleeding nipples. After which you will be required to drink several litres of soapy water, then a towel will be stuffed down your mouth while Agent Ferris jumps up and down on your distended stomach. The towel will be removed so you can vomit, then we will repeat the process a number of times. Don't fuck with the British State, sonny.

(ps: Of course the war will be in autumn. No government would realistically consider a lengthy land-war in the Middle East in the middle of the fucking Summer now, would they?)


ras from mi5?

27.07.2002 14:14

not affiliated to any group? dont get involved in activism? maybe you should mate, as that reads as quite a rallying little speach.

are there any demos or action being arranged?
i feel so useless sitting here staring at my screen, trying not to feel such hate towards our leaders.

distributed some more indymedia fivers today.


Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

27.07.2002 16:16

Monsieur "MI5" -- scrubbing nipples with steel wool? --- I would have thought your friends in the City would pay you good money to do that to them (so long as you wore the black leather gloves). Look, sonny, its because you ca trace my IP address that I am writing, because you will know that if people like me are getting hot and bothered about this war, and getting ready to wake up from their apathy and lethargy, that Mr B. will have a serious political problem on his hands-- at the same time as he's dealing with striking trade unions, and trying to swing a Euro referendum. So watch out. There a lot of us around.

Ras D

before the storm

27.07.2002 17:51

this is a very worrying time, to me and others i have spoken to, in many ways it feels like what we have read about the summer of 1914: a summer of calm , relative prosperity, of hedonism and self-satisfaction, before the storm. This war will be differnt than the Gulf War in 1990, their are now many plp around the world who blame the UK for all it's ills and may rspond accordingly. I,could be wrong, if i am not, then God help us. We (the opposition) seem to be sleepwalking towards this catastrophe, peaceful direct action now....


I'd like the UK to start taking action

27.07.2002 18:53

Though if the reaction is anything like what happened when the US/UK started bombing Afghanistan to oblivion, it won't stop them. Despite TWO mass demos by the Stop the War Coalition, the war in Afghanistan still went ahead, and now the US are all but finished there, and Bin Laden is still on the loose. I think its time for a more militant apporach, like shutting down the capitalist machine that makes this war possible. Start blockading petrol depots, as that would soon cause the country to grind to a halt, and block off key power stations, call a general strike even, anything to stop normality and to make those bastards listen!

Thomas J

Strike first, ask later?

28.07.2002 11:55

Blair says no decision has been made on an invasion of Iraq, but HMS Ocean has already set sail for the Gulf, due to arrive in the Autumn. Why deploy a warship if you are not intent on going to war? It's a breach of international law. Blair says, he will present evidence that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, when he feels like it! Shouldn't he consult the electorate or at least his Parliament, in a democratic country, before commiting us to another illegal war which will end in the death of thousands? It's not his decision to make!! Bush plans to strike countries BEFORE they can build up any forces against him! So that's every poor country in the damned World.

B. Damned

Re: UN, any demo's ?

28.07.2002 17:28

A short extract from the bristol stop the war coalition weekly e-mail.

The Broadmead 'Die-In' was an example of how we can organise without
having to suffer the tradition of seeking police permission. No
permission was sought, & we turned up at 2pm to begin our protest.
Die-In's can take many forms, from the highly theatrical, to the
downright gory. This one was a chalk & stall event.
We drew body outlines in Broadmead of all who wished to join in, &
the surrounding pavement was steadily daubed with large chalk slogans
such as, '1.5 Million Dead Iraqis', 'Racist War, Racist Britain'
& 'You Can't Pretend This Isn't Happenening'.
The 'Management of Broadmead', and an 'Official Cleaner' turned up, &
threatened to call the police. A Police Officer did then turn up, but
no action was taken against us, & our 'defacing' of Broadmead
continued. All this action drew a strong audience from the public,
& a steady stream of interested people to our stall.

4) NATIONAL DEMO : SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER : Stop The War Coalition,
CND & the Muslim Association Of Britain are planning a mass
demonstration against an attack on Iraq, scheduled for the eve of the
Labour Party Conference. Coach Tickets will be available soon. Please
start publicising this event now.

5) STOP THE CITY ON THE OUTBREAK OF WAR : We call upon everyone to
converge at the Peace Vigil on the evening following the outbreak of
war with Iraq. The preparations for war against Iraq intensify with
each day that passes. On May Day we proved we can stop this city. We
will do so again in the event of war.
