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Honeypottrap. | 27.07.2002 00:44


Re: The New Zealand Election.
by Honeypottrap. 10:52am Fri Jul 26 '02 (Modified on 11:19am Fri Jul 26 '02) article#17562 Web sites control the world news.

by Victor. 11:06am Fri Jul 26 '02
The Courts have had their day in covering up for the rich...


Controversy's erupted over the decision by a British-based website to identify the prominent family said to be the target of the Wellington kidnap plot.

The victim of the plot has had his name suppressed by the High Court.

The website also named the three Britons accused of the kidnap conspiracy, even though two have name suppression.

The third appeared in court for the first time today.

Leaving court in Upper Hutt today, John Burrett complained of his treatment by police before declaring his innocence.

Accused kidnapper, John Burrett says: "The tendon in this arm has been severed by a dog bite big chunk of flesh removed, these guys punched and kicked me, broke a tooth. I'm pleading not guilty because I didn't do anything that was criminal. We're guilty of playing a stupid game that's all we're guilty of."

The 52-year-old, who lists his occupation as a lawyer, faces charges of conspiring to kidnap and possession of a firearm.

His two co-accused who appeared in court on Tuesday have been granted interim name suppression.

Burrett lives in this quiet Upper Hutt cul de sac with his wife Jennifer.

A keen animal lover, the allegation that he conspired to kidnap a member of a prominent Wellington family has shocked his neighbours.

Neighbour, Kylie Joseph says: "Seemed to be a really nice guy.. I knew his wife quite well and they came over and had a cup of tea and gave us a gift and yeah.. they were really nice people."

This afternoon the coffin-like bunker police say the kidnap victim was to be held in was removed from the Rimutaka Forest behind Upper Hutt.

At the same time, media organisations were fighting a court order suppressing the identity of the man who was to be kidnapped. He has already been identified on a British newspaper website, along with the names of all three accused kidnappers.

That's disappointed police.

Wellington Police crime manager, Detective Inspector Norm Cook says: "We want to preserve our relationship with complainants not only this one of course but the ones in the future who may think twice about reporting these incidents to the police."

But a media law expert says it's most unlikely the British newspaper will be prosecuted. Media law expert, John Burrows says: "If the name was leaked from New Zealand the person doing the leaking is certainly infringing our legislation and there's even an argument to say the overseas publication is because the publication could be accessed from NZ, but enforcement of course becomes very difficult in a case like that."

A High Court Judge has reserved his decision on identifying the would be kidnap victim here, until tomorrow morning.
Windsor Download.

by A_Magpie. 11:19am Fri Jul 26 '02 comment#17565

IDENTITY REMAINS SECRET. If you know of the UK web site please post.



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Re: Jim Anderton and Meg Lees.

28.07.2002 09:06

Re: Jim Anderton.
by Victor. 8:33am Sun Jul 28 '02 comment#496

Interesting to read where Jim Anderton left the Alliance party to help keep Labor/Labour in power. I well remember when his daughter killed herself. All the crocodile tears at that time, he would be leaving politics. Hardly was she buried when he chose not to leave. No money in working for a council as a labourer. Nothing more than a cunning opportunist and carpet bagger.

The Australians have a simular slippery eel with the name of Meg Lees. Left her party and has taken her seat with her. The voters are stupid to vote in the first place. If any person leaves their party, they should be out on the street. This is how rotten and corrupt politics really is. The corrupt labour party dirty practise of branch stacking. Very simular to mafia tactics. Power at any angle. The persons in the street are the usual suckers.

Ps It should be enshrined in law, if a member vacates their seat they are down the road.
