Conspiracy nutcases proved right
townie | 25.07.2002 14:37
Despite the fact that they are obviously speaking absolute nonsense, conspiracy nutcases continue to be proved absolutely right in their various theories. The latest example of this can be seen at which is the website of (yet another) US intelligence agency.
Despite the fact that they are obviously speaking absolute nonsense, conspiracy nutcases continue to be proved absolutely right in their various theories. The latest example of this can be seen at which is the website of (yet another) US intelligence agency.
The symbol of this new department is very familiar for all of those people who were brave enough not to ignore the conspiracy loons. It is a pyramid, topped with an all-seeing eye. This is a classic illuminati/new world order symbol and is meant to represent absolute power of government and the concept that there is no privacy allowed in the new world order. Naturally, the eye is overlooking a picture of earth.
I challenge anyone to explain to me why the books of David Icke and other so-called crazies continue to become reality. I am honestly quite disgusted at the number of people prepared to bury their heads in the sand about these issues whilst the global elite make a final bid for total world control.
The symbol of this new department is very familiar for all of those people who were brave enough not to ignore the conspiracy loons. It is a pyramid, topped with an all-seeing eye. This is a classic illuminati/new world order symbol and is meant to represent absolute power of government and the concept that there is no privacy allowed in the new world order. Naturally, the eye is overlooking a picture of earth.
I challenge anyone to explain to me why the books of David Icke and other so-called crazies continue to become reality. I am honestly quite disgusted at the number of people prepared to bury their heads in the sand about these issues whilst the global elite make a final bid for total world control.
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What do you mean become reality?
25.07.2002 14:50
What is conspiracy theory ?
25.07.2002 14:59
Conspiracy theory is perhaps a susbstitute for class conflict theory, a form of active, critical analysis which avoids the class question altogether. Without actually achieving much in the way of change, it does, in its inefficent way, stumble on some relevant facts on occasion.
25.07.2002 15:11
Anyone who has been reading these websites is not surprised by the sudden assault on global human liberties. I was not surprised by sept 11th (although i always wanted to believe it would never happen.) I was not surprised by the war on afghanistan. I am not surprised the US government wants to merge the police and the army. I am not surprised that the UK government wants to keep records of every electronic communication. And i wont be surprised when people are dying en masse from illness and the army are patrolling the streets and imposing curfews.
The point is this, it is not too late to start listening, to open your minds to the possibility that the global elite want total global control. It probably is too late to stop our upcoming enslavement without massive bloodshed, but at least it is not too late to stop it altogether.
Open your eyes while you still have the chance, and make others open theirs. We don't have much time anymore.
Remember the David Icke documentary
25.07.2002 15:23
Even so, that didnt stop some self proclaimed 'civil liberties' group, threatening to burn his books (in the name of civil liberties!). One bookshop cancelled Icke's signing-session with no notice, and it was left to him to point out to the manager that if it continued, the bookshops would be closed down next.
For someone whom i dont understand, Icke spoke a lot of sense that evening. All of which backs up what I said previously; that Conspiracy theory is rather inefficent but does occsaionally make some good points.
25.07.2002 15:26
I am very fond of the good work done on indymedia, in reporting current affairs. However there is an extreme lack of foresight. Look into the crystal ball. Imagine how bad things are now, and then imagine how bad they can become. I pray that my predictions are wrong but every day they seem to become more correct.
More on this NWO cosmic joke
25.07.2002 16:02
IAO Vision: The most serious asymmetric threat facing the United States is terrorism, a threat characterized by collections of people loosely organized in shadowy networks that are difficult to identify and define. IAO plans to develop technology that will allow understanding of the intent of these networks, their plans, and potentially define opportunities for disrupting or eliminating the threats. To effectively and efficiently carry this out, we must promote sharing, collaborating and reasoning to convert nebulous data to knowledge and actionable options. IAO will accomplish this by pursuing the development of technologies, components, and applications to produce a proto-type system. Example technologies include:
„h Collaboration and sharing over TCP/IP networks across agency boundaries
„h Large, distributed repositories with dynamic schemas that can be changed interactively by users
„h Foreign language machine translation and speech recognition
„h Biometric signatures of humans
„h Real time learning, pattern matching and anomalous pattern detection
„h Entity extraction from natural language text
„h Human network analysis and behavior model building engines
„h Event prediction and capability development model building engines
„h Structured argumentation and evidential reasoning
„h Story telling, change detection, and truth maintenance
„h Business rules sub-systems for access control and process management
„h Biologically inspired algorithms for agent control
„h Other aids for human cognition and human reasoning
And by the way heath...
25.07.2002 16:11
And by the way heath...
I adore thee I.A.O
25.07.2002 19:11
I A O!"
"O Thou outrider of the Sun, that spurrest the bloody flanks of the wind! I adore Thee, Evoe! I adore Thee,
I A O!"
Aleister Crowley 'Diary of a Drug Fiend
666/microchipping/death and renewal/earth put through the fire/global war/earth changes/population reduction
'outrider of the sun that spurrest the bloody flanks of the wind' = Planet X?
aleister crowley
26.07.2002 06:42
On the back side of the United States $1 bill (left side), there is a picture of a pyramid with an eye on top along with a Latin verse. Can you tell me the significance of the picture and the meaning of the Latin verse? Answer
The Great Seal of the United States appears on the backside of the United States $1 bill. The reverse of the seal appears on the left, and the obverse side of the seal appears on the right.
The Continental Congress decided to create a national seal or emblem on July 4, 1776, the same day that the congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. The congress appointed Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams to a committee to come up a national seal. It took six years, three committees, several artistic contributions and many revisions before the final seal was adopted on June 20, 1782. Since that time, the Great Seal has undergone changes in design, reflecting the tastes and ideas of later generations, but the features of the original design were kept intact. These features are meant to graphically represent the tenets of the new nation. The unfinished pyramid and the eye in a triangle on the reverse side are classic symbols. The Egyptian pyramid is a symbol of strength and duration; the 13 steps indicate the original number of U.S. states; and the 13 steps leading to an unfinished summit indicates future growth of the nation. The eye is known as the "Eye of Providence" and is surrounded by rays of light. According to Webster's New World College Dictionary, "providence" can mean: 1. a looking to, or preparation for, the future; provision. 2. skill or wisdom in management; prudence. 3. a) the care or benevolent guidance of God or nature, b) an instance of this. 4. God, as the guiding power of the universe. The single eye shows up in Egyptian mythology as the Eye of Horus, an ancient god of the Egyptians. The eye represented wisdom, health and prosperity. Some people think that the "all-seeing eye" is a symbol of Freemasonry, a fraternal organization, and they interpret this as proof that the Founding Fathers believed in Masonic principles and wanted to impose Masonic order on the United States. This essay addresses that rumor. Here are the other symbols on the Great Seal. The obverse side: · The 1782 secretary of Congress, Charles Thomson, adopted the bald eagle as the prominent feature of the design. · The shield, or escutcheon, is shown on the breast of the eagle without any support, indicating the self-reliance of the United States. Thirteen red and white stripes appear on the shield, signifying the 13 original states. The red color represents hardiness and valor, and the white represents purity and innocence. These stripes support and unite with the top blue band, which represents Congress. Blue signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice. · The eagle's talons hold 13 arrows in the right and an olive branch in the left. These symbolize the power of war and peace, respectively. The number of arrows represents the 13 original states. · The constellation of 13 stars (states) above the eagle's head signifies the United States' rank among other sovereign powers. · The motto, "E Pluribus Unum," written on the banner held in the eagle's beak, is Latin meaning "Out of many, one," conveying the union of the States. The reverse side: · The pyramid · The eye in the triangle above the pyramid · The Roman numerals, MDCCLXXVI, appear on the base of the pyramid and translate to 1776, the year of independence. · Above the "eye" are the Latin words "Annuit Coeptis." This translates to "He has favored our undertakings." This line is associated with the "Eye of Providence." · Below the pyramid are the Latin words "Novus Ordo Seclorum," meaning "A new order of the ages," referring to the birth of America in 1776. In 1935, the Department of Treasury proposed the use of the obverse and reverse sides of the Great Seal on the back of the $1 bill, originally with the obverse on the left hand side and the reverse on the right. Before approving the design, President Franklin Roosevelt decided to switch the order of sides of the seal, and then added "The Great Seal" under the reverse and "of the United States" under the obverse.
See also:
The Eye in the Pyramid
By: S. Brent Morris, P.M.
An historical essay from the US Dept of State
thanks for the research dogged1
26.07.2002 10:39
So get over it dh and go out to the park for the afternoon!
Conspiricy or not, shit is still happening
26.07.2002 13:58
Thomas J
26.07.2002 16:21
So fucked up,
you don't even know you're fucked,
Get unfucked,
Listen to the conspiracy theorists,
you are sooooo right!!!!!
15.03.2004 18:50
i am really interested in ur point of view about the whole conspiracy-thing.
I really would like to talk with u.
I don't know if u r using messengers (b/c we all know big brother is watching us). If u don't ,we still could email. my address is
I would be so glad if u get back to me
16.03.2004 20:24
i am really interested in ur point of view about the whole conspiracy-thing.
I really would like to talk with u.
I don't know if u r using messengers (b/c we all know big brother is watching us). If u don't ,we still could email. my address is
I would be so glad if u get back to me
16.03.2004 20:29