Impending disaster as drought destroys Agriculture on three continents
bh | 24.07.2002 17:51
India the latest to be hit by devestating drought, as monsoon rains fail over the bread basket of the subcontinent and crops face disaster in the next couple of weeks
Impending disaster as drought destroys Agriculture on three continents
Southern Africa has been experiencing an Agricultural disaster this year, and the effects have spread to the Sahel in the North, where rains failed in June, as, according to a story on CNN Parched West Africa seeks help from above. "Thousands of people across the West African state of Niger turned out at Muslim prayer meetings on Tuesday to ask for rain, hoping to save their failing crops and avoid famine." Niger is one of the countries that sits just on the edge of the Sahara desert in Africa. "Niger's rainfall in June was down 60 percent on last year and below the average of the past 30 years. Around 4,000 people, including President Tandja Mamadou, gathered to pray for rain in Niger's capital and similar meetings were held across the impoverished country. Appeals for rain by imams in Mali at Friday's prayers appeared to have been answered over the weekend, when torrential rains in the capital Bamako took part of the blame for a low turnout in a parliamentary election." While heavy rains did fall it remains to be seen whether or not it will be enough.
No relief is in sight for Southern Africa as the expected famine of the closing months of this year looms into view as food stocks run out and the appeal for funds, which has gone on for months, still has not been answered. Even more ominous, however is the emerging drought that I have been monitoring on the Indian subcontinent for the last several months. The subcontinent is home to over 1.3 billion people, and now the emerging drought is hitting the area right in the bread basket. The drought is also impacting agriculture in North America, with the latest predictions from the U.S. Drought Monitor suggesting that the drought will continue its rapid spread for the rest of the year, eventually impacting 49 states. The graphics show the deterioration in India (with the red areas suffering from the spreading drought, and the lack of monsoon rains) and the images of the United States show the rapid progress of the most severe catagory of drought (extreme drought), with the first graphic showing the situation on May 11 of this year and the second showing the rapid expansion of the severe drought as of July 20th (shown on the map as the dark brown color).
According to the reports just beginning to come out on the situation revealed over the last few months by the maps above, The Indian government is meeting to discuss emergency measures. some farmers have avoided planting to avoid losing their seeds and others have watched as the dryness and scorching heat have withered and destroyed their crops. The monsoon rains must fall within the next five to ten days to avoid an agricultural disaster in the Indian subcontinent, with the worst hit areas being the agricultural bread basket of India. Worse yet, no rain is in the forecast. The drought is the most wide spread ever, with rivers and reservoirs running dry, and even ground water sinking in levels. The monsoon season, during which the subcontinent receives 80 per cent of its annual rain will be over by September, and already drinking water is being shipped into affected areas. What little rain that is forecast is predicted to be sparse, with the monsoons, which begin early in June, already almost two months late and with close to 1 billion people directly dependant on agriculture for their survival in the region, this could become one of the greatest calamities of our time, even overshadowing the already emerging disaster in Africa.
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Haarping on about disasters
24.07.2002 22:25
The GWEN Towers positioned along the areas north of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers were turned on for 40 days and 40 nights, probably mocking the Flood of Genesis. (This was in conjunction with HAARP, that creates a river of electricity flowing thousands of miles through the sky and down to the polar ice-cap, manipulating the jet-stream. These rivers flooded, causing agricultural losses of $12-15 billion. HAARP produces earthquakes by focusing on the fault lines. GWEN Towers are on the fault lines and volcanic areas of the Pacific Northeast.
HAARP's space-generated ELF waves, coming back down to the earth, can be utilized in many different ways, such as communicating with submarines or creating harmful biological and mental effects upon a specifically targeted population. HAARP can also be utilized in a system of earth-penetrating tomography, for locating hidden underground bunkers in enemy territory or the buried arms, survival supplies, and valuable coins buried by U.S. patriots and militias.
The 1/96 'Progressive Magazine' reported that a 1995 article, "Non-Lethal Technology and Airpower", in the 'Air Command and Staff College's Airpower Journal', describes how so-called non-lethal psychotronic and electromagnetic weapons will be used against civilians:
"In the very near future, it will become clear that non-lethal methods have applicability across the entire spectrum of conflict, including crime and terrorism..."
"In this research paper, the authors reveal for the first time, the U.S. military is developing high-powered microwave weapons for use against human beings" (which is one of the hidden goals of the HAARP transmitters).
Such "microwave weapons are almost uniquely intrusive" (especially when they are pulsed at ELF frequencies). "They do not simply attack a person's body, they reach all the way into a person's mind...They are meant to disorient or upset mental stability."
Nightmare Scenario
24.07.2002 23:32
High Frequency signals developed through project HAARP are designed to ionize the energy in the upper atmosphere which consists primarily of nitrogen. The ionized nitrogen then acts as a translator that will literally convert the 435 Mhz particle beam transmission into one of 1080 Mhz. This is rather ingenious, because it bypasses the need for satellites.
The subharmonic of the DNA helix is 1100 Mhz. The theory is that you can do genetic engineering by using 1100 Mhz frequency to resonate with the DNA and thereby open or close it. The annihilation of particles (from the particle accelerator) releases a pattern which controls the way the DNA will reassemble itself.
Genetic programming suggests something far beyond the prospect of biological warfare. It includes the possibility of scrambling or rearranging our DNA. This is similar to the transdimensional change which New Agers believe will involve Angels rearranging our light body to resonate at a higher octave. However, the government have different ideas…..
A scientist who read the blueprint for the entire satellite network said if this system were beamed at the entire population, it would genetically destroy the human race.
fact finder
Nightmare Scenario
24.07.2002 23:35
High Frequency signals developed through project HAARP are designed to ionize the energy in the upper atmosphere which consists primarily of nitrogen. The ionized nitrogen then acts as a translator that will literally convert the 435 Mhz particle beam transmission into one of 1080 Mhz. This is rather ingenious, because it bypasses the need for satellites.
The subharmonic of the DNA helix is 1100 Mhz. The theory is that you can do genetic engineering by using 1100 Mhz frequency to resonate with the DNA and thereby open or close it. The annihilation of particles (from the particle accelerator) releases a pattern which controls the way the DNA will reassemble itself.
Genetic programming suggests something far beyond the prospect of biological warfare. It includes the possibility of scrambling or rearranging our DNA. This is similar to the transdimensional change which New Agers believe will involve Angels rearranging our light body to resonate at a higher octave. However, the government have different ideas…..
A scientist who read the blueprint for the entire satellite network said if this system were beamed at the entire population, it would genetically destroy the human race.
fact finder