Plutonium Shipping News, sordid news dept
a3m posted this | 24.07.2002 02:52
Now onboard, out of port (Japan)on its way past Australia via Tasmanian Sea, headed to S.Africa, Irish Sea home to Sellafield. And Already FUBAR
They ran the anti-nuke flotilla in the dark of night.
"Opposition is reaching a crescendo in nations along the shipment's route. On July 17, the government of Vanuatu roundly condemned the shipment, and the next day the Fijian prime minister used a regional summit to express his outrage and opposition "to those who are so willing to put the Pacific and our peoples at risk." Then the 78 nations at the African-Caribbean-Pacific summit condemned and isolated Japan and the UK for their shameful nuclear waste MOX shipment in the summit's final declaration."
But there is more to hide, there is the reality of this farce passing as a responsible move...
"In the past week it has also been revealed that the Pacific Pintail and escort ship Teal are suffering from corrosion that threatens their structural safety. British Nuclear Fuels refused to release details concerning the state of the ships. The Japanese government only learnt about this problem after news reports."
Perhaps this is why, after (hollow) assurances to Greenpeace, the ships were hurried out of post, before as judge could rule latter that morning on the issue of environmental clearances. Apparently it was known that the ships would not pass muster, as well as the container question.
"Parts of the route planned for the plutonium shipments are officially classified as Marine High Risk Areas by Lloyds of London.
"Greenpeace nuclear campaigner Stephen Campbell seriously wonders if those who are making the decision to send these ships through this region in the middle of winter know what they are doing."
S.Africa is known to have seen ships litterally pulled apart in the storms passing the Cape. Plates pulled off the framework. So much for safe route. Roll the dice please...?
"The destroyer HMS Nottingham, one of the most advanced ships of the British navy, was rumoured to be in the Tasman as a security escort for the plutonium ship. The grounding during a week of bad weather that has devastated the Federated States of Micronesia only highlights how irresponsible and dangerous this whole transport is.
"The HMS Nottingham ran aground off Lord Howe 300 miles north east of Sydney, near where the Pacific Flotilla will converge. There have been no casualties, but the ship is now leaking oil and taking on water. Only last week an oil tanker also grounded off the coast of Fiji and the rough winter weather of the southern seas is far from over."
There is no admission the Nottingham was there to protect the plutomium ships. But in any case, what better underscoring the fact that this is a dangerous and highly risky proposition. The journey is just getting underway!!
The 255 KILLOGRAMS of Mixed Oxide fuel, property of British Nuclear Fuels, is being returned because of certification falsifications by the company. In other words, it was not as represented. Upon the discovery, Japan refused to keep, use, pay for the junk. It has spent years in Japan awaiting reshipment. Studies also point to B.N.F. being a dubious project ecconomically. That was overlooked when the enterprise was ok'ed for construction. A domestic hot site/ contaminated house in G.B. is still considered "unknown source" though a prior resident had worked at an atomic installation. "under investigation" I'm sure...Meanwhile Japaneese reactors have been puting off purchases from other sources (France?) as they can not rationalize "ellectricity so cheap it won't need a meter," as it was once described to an eager U.S.A. anxious to get past oil dependence.
The nature of the consequences almost makes me say "hope it reaches Britain"
But, hey, it's still not a done deal and, you know, the sea is big.....50 bombs worth of Pu will hardly be discernable.
At least that's what I've always heard about it. Am I being overanxious?
quotes above are from Greenpeace. See:
And plan. Please plan.
"Opposition is reaching a crescendo in nations along the shipment's route. On July 17, the government of Vanuatu roundly condemned the shipment, and the next day the Fijian prime minister used a regional summit to express his outrage and opposition "to those who are so willing to put the Pacific and our peoples at risk." Then the 78 nations at the African-Caribbean-Pacific summit condemned and isolated Japan and the UK for their shameful nuclear waste MOX shipment in the summit's final declaration."
But there is more to hide, there is the reality of this farce passing as a responsible move...
"In the past week it has also been revealed that the Pacific Pintail and escort ship Teal are suffering from corrosion that threatens their structural safety. British Nuclear Fuels refused to release details concerning the state of the ships. The Japanese government only learnt about this problem after news reports."
Perhaps this is why, after (hollow) assurances to Greenpeace, the ships were hurried out of post, before as judge could rule latter that morning on the issue of environmental clearances. Apparently it was known that the ships would not pass muster, as well as the container question.
"Parts of the route planned for the plutonium shipments are officially classified as Marine High Risk Areas by Lloyds of London.
"Greenpeace nuclear campaigner Stephen Campbell seriously wonders if those who are making the decision to send these ships through this region in the middle of winter know what they are doing."
S.Africa is known to have seen ships litterally pulled apart in the storms passing the Cape. Plates pulled off the framework. So much for safe route. Roll the dice please...?
"The destroyer HMS Nottingham, one of the most advanced ships of the British navy, was rumoured to be in the Tasman as a security escort for the plutonium ship. The grounding during a week of bad weather that has devastated the Federated States of Micronesia only highlights how irresponsible and dangerous this whole transport is.
"The HMS Nottingham ran aground off Lord Howe 300 miles north east of Sydney, near where the Pacific Flotilla will converge. There have been no casualties, but the ship is now leaking oil and taking on water. Only last week an oil tanker also grounded off the coast of Fiji and the rough winter weather of the southern seas is far from over."
There is no admission the Nottingham was there to protect the plutomium ships. But in any case, what better underscoring the fact that this is a dangerous and highly risky proposition. The journey is just getting underway!!
The 255 KILLOGRAMS of Mixed Oxide fuel, property of British Nuclear Fuels, is being returned because of certification falsifications by the company. In other words, it was not as represented. Upon the discovery, Japan refused to keep, use, pay for the junk. It has spent years in Japan awaiting reshipment. Studies also point to B.N.F. being a dubious project ecconomically. That was overlooked when the enterprise was ok'ed for construction. A domestic hot site/ contaminated house in G.B. is still considered "unknown source" though a prior resident had worked at an atomic installation. "under investigation" I'm sure...Meanwhile Japaneese reactors have been puting off purchases from other sources (France?) as they can not rationalize "ellectricity so cheap it won't need a meter," as it was once described to an eager U.S.A. anxious to get past oil dependence.
The nature of the consequences almost makes me say "hope it reaches Britain"
But, hey, it's still not a done deal and, you know, the sea is big.....50 bombs worth of Pu will hardly be discernable.
At least that's what I've always heard about it. Am I being overanxious?
quotes above are from Greenpeace. See:

And plan. Please plan.
a3m posted this
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