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Deliver your message to DEFRA, even if you can't come to London

Genetic Engineering Network | 23.07.2002 15:59

People from all over the UK are converging on London to say NO! to GM crops, and no to commercialisation.If you can't make it to the big smoke, you can send a fax straight to Margaret Beckett's office, cos she's the Secretary of State responsible.

If you can't come to London, here is Margaret Beckett's fax number:
020 7238 5727. She is the Secretary of State for DEFRA

Deliver your message to DEFRA
Wednesday 24 July 2002
12 noon: Bring your own picnic: Victoria Tower Gardens, next to Houses of Parliament
2pm: DEFRA, Smiths Square, Westminster
Nearest tube: Westminster (District or Circle Lines)
We are nearing the end of the GM farm scale crop trials which have been contaminating our countryside during the last three years without our consent. Now the government have acknowledged the need for a consultation on the commercialisation of GM crops in Britain. So let¹s tell them what we think! And whilst we are about it, let this be a celebration of five years of resistance to GM crops!
Come to this event to deliver your message of resistance to GM crops:
We say NO to GM experiments in our countryside.
We say NO to the commercialisation of GM crops.
Bring messages from your own locality, bring people, letters, petitions, placards and banners. Express your message with creativity and artwork. Bring musical instruments and songs. Invite your kids, friends and relatives. Wear costumes and fancy dress.
By delivering our message together and by representing local groups from all over the UK we have an opportunity to show that resistance to GM crops will prevail.


Genetic Engineering Network
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My Message

23.07.2002 16:34

Most of the GM seed stocks have been hybridized by the conglomerates, ADM and others, so they only grow one season, the seeds produced by hybridized plants are sterile and cannot grow new plants. The greedy corporations have done this so third world countries have to go into debt borrowing money from the ferrets at the IMF and World Bank in order to buy seeds EACH YEAR.

Death Knell