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Caravan Tour for the Rights of Refugees and Immigrants in Gremany 2002

caravanist@ | 23.07.2002 02:24

Asylum right is a human right! We are here because you destroy our countries! We refugees, in unity with immigrants and with all persons rejecting racism and for human progress, call on you to: Join the Caravan Tour 2002 * August 17 (Bremen) - September 21 (Berlin)

During the decisive phase of the general elections in Germany – which will mainly be fought out to the detriment of the refugees – we will tour the Federal Republic, just as we did in 1998. Up till the eve of election day the "Caravan Tour for the Rights of Refugees and Immigrants" will have stopped over at more than 25 cities, towns and refugee camps in all parts of Germany. Our aim is to strengthen the cooperation with progressive forces, intensify the cooperation between refugees' organisations, and to support the struggles of the refugees.

Already - since the first drastic change to the right of asylum in 1993 - less than 4% of all applicants are recognized while 95% and more are rejected yearly. More than 50.000 people are deported every year.
Deportation is the sharpest expression of state racism.
Asylum applicants are segregated and isolated from German society. Many camps and hostels are situated in remote wooded areas or on the outskirts of small villages. The residential restrictions of the so-called "Residenzpflicht" forbids us to leave the local district. On the one hand the state attepts to make us invisible as human beings, on the other hand we are publicly depicted as a threat.

With the Caravan Tour 2002 we will step into the public and overcome our isolation!

We are fighting against:
- the criminal practice of deportation and the new policy of detention camps
- the horrible conditions for us refugees in Germany and racist persecution
- racist propaganda in the media and from politicians

We are fighting:
- for our rights as refugees and migrants
- for those we left behind in our home countries
- against war and destruction of our countries

We will not stand idly by and watch as the right of asylum is swept away by those who have no respect for human rights.

Join the the Caravan! For a strong solidarity movement for our rights!
Against human alienation, against the destruction of social relationships!

Information on the new foreigners' law for refugees


