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Row over finger-printing in schools

bbc online | 22.07.2002 15:19

Kids are being fingerprinted in schools to make libraries more efficient and less vulnerable to abuse!!!

Tens of thousands of children are being finger-printed in school - often without the consent of their parents, a human rights group has complained.
Prints are taken for a library lending system which the makers say makes lending more efficient and less vulnerable to abuse.

But the pressure group Privacy International says the practice is illegal and breaches the human right to privacy.

follow the link for the whole article...

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22.07.2002 19:20

"The system does not store the actual finger-print, but a map of it which takes in the print's key features. The image is then compressed and encrypted, so it would take a lot of effort to use it."

???So if the 'actual finger-print' isn't stored then why the necessity to change to a compressed/encrypted form????? WHATT??????
Is the 'actual finger-print' stored when it is in the compressed/encrypted form? Why does the above quote say that the 'actual finger-print' isn't stored?

Brian B
mail e-mail:

Smacks of Orwell

22.07.2002 22:11

Finger printing was introduced to catch criminals not borrow books. Children's rights are being violated. They are being criminalized by false statistics and media predators having a feeding frenzy on "teenage tearaways" advocating dog patrols and dog tags, when all they need is youth clubs and an end to the British Monarchy's monopoly on the opium trade which is destroying the fabric of the society the Queen claims to represent, as she visits the downtrodden ghettos she creates, in her Jubilee Year.
