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Gooseberry | 21.07.2002 12:28

The ECOTOPIA BIKE TOUR will pass through hereford on Tuesday (23rd) and join with local anarchists and STOP E$$O activists in a critical mass!

Lets make the people of Hereford see how they could travel and be eco-friendly and have fun at the same time. If you would like to join the critical mass, meet at Hereford railway stn. at 5.30pm. Bring whistles, horns and lets make this a noisy and colourful event. We hope to focus on highlighting the position of E$$O as the no.l global warming villain and to encourage sustainable alternative transport methods.

There is growing resistance to all things capitalist and eco-destructive in hereford. There is a large greenpeace group, an anarchist group and lots of active individuals. If you live in the surrounding area to Hereford and would like to get involved, visit

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Oh, please

21.07.2002 12:44

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! Hereford, the world's hot-spot of revolutionary activity! I can just imagine them now, residents of Hereford leading the charge to the gates of Parliament, setting fire to Buckingham Palace, setting up the First Workers' Republic of Britain. So this is the strategy of Critical Mass for overthrowing capitalism? An army of bike-riding Hereford residents? You guys are undoubtedly the surrealist wing of the anticapitalist movement.

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at least they are doing somthing

21.07.2002 15:10

hey lennin {stupid name}
why dont u do somting
instead of making fun of peeps who at least are trying to do somthing positive
when was the last time you did anything of any value

but then its the south english yob desease that affects alot of people all mouth and no balls


Oh, I do love a challenge.

21.07.2002 16:09

Ah, shutcher face, cracker. I don't come from the South of England, and I'm making fun of this because hundreds of people riding bicycles in the name of overthrowing capitalism is something that is just dying out to be made fun of. Jeeez, can't you people just lighten up. I suppose there's no substance to this rumour that leftwingers have no sense of humour?

lenin (after Vladimir)
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