GM maize destroyed in cheshire!
someone who was there | 21.07.2002 07:15 | Bio-technology
Genetically modified maize damaged in cheshire.
Nine people arrested and charged with criminal damage.
Nine people arrested and charged with criminal damage.
Saturday 20th July, around 80-100 people attended a public meeting and rally in Lymm, Cheshire against a field of genetically modified maize sown as part of the governments farm scale trials.
A colourful parade marched throught the village accompanied by samba music, many people in white suits - looked really cool!
The people then visited the test site, around 30-40 demonstrators went onto the field and began to decontaminate the mutant crop, kicking it, stamping on it, whacking it with placards...
Nine people were arrested in total and held in custody for between 11 and 14 hours, eventually they were all charged with criminal damage.
they are due to appear at warrington magistrates court on friday july 26th.
A colourful parade marched throught the village accompanied by samba music, many people in white suits - looked really cool!
The people then visited the test site, around 30-40 demonstrators went onto the field and began to decontaminate the mutant crop, kicking it, stamping on it, whacking it with placards...
Nine people were arrested in total and held in custody for between 11 and 14 hours, eventually they were all charged with criminal damage.
they are due to appear at warrington magistrates court on friday july 26th.
someone who was there
Hide the following 7 comments
21.07.2002 11:42
don't be stupid
21.07.2002 13:22
also, what will destroy capitalism? Selling papers? But that
is even more dead plants... :)
Oh, take a joke why dontcha
21.07.2002 13:43
hey ho! GM crops have got to go!
21.07.2002 18:03
the maize was destroyed after petitioning, meetings and demonstrating had no effect.(suprise suprise, the farmer couldnt be persuaded not to sow the seeds cos he was getting a big wad of cash from aventis)
people chose to take non-violent direct action after other more liberal tactics had been tried and failed.
i'm not saying everyone must go out and trash GM crops, but those that do are preventing genetic material from the mutant plants being cross-polinated to neighbouring maize crops.(and other species - i won't go into the science of it here,but check out the links below)
there is plenty of evidence to show the the current separation distances between GM crops and normal crops is inadequate to prevent cross-contamination.
see or for the evidence - there is lots of it!
people who destroy GM crops before they have a chance to flowerf and spread their genetic pollution all over the place are doing so out of necessity to prevent a worse crime - the crime of seriously fucking up the complex ecosysytem which we depend on.
consumer boycotts would have no effect on this trial as it is part of a government sponsored Farm Scale Trial, it is a scientific experiment, not a commercial crop (consumer boycotts don't really work anyway, but to suggest them in this case shows your ignorance)
The experiment is to determine the effect of the GM on the biodiversity, if you look at the soil association website you will see that they are a really BAD scientific test, there are numerous flaws in them, these tests are a political tool of the government and biotech corpporations working together to pave the way for commercialisation of GM food in this country.
"Why don't we wait and see what the test results say?" i hear you cry!
BECAUSE then IT WILL BE TOO LATE!!! the genetic material will be released into the enviroment and will start having effects immediately. at first these may be small and seem insignificant, but over time they could have devasting impacts on the environment. do we want to risk that? if we fuck up our planet and our food supply then there won't really be much point in socialism, will there? People who pull up GM crops are trying to prevent a possible environmental catasrophe.
Crop trashing is a far more worthy way of spending a saturday afternoon than selling papers.
Lets hope the Lymm Nine will be found not guilty!
someone else who was there
I know where there are some GM vegetables...
21.07.2002 18:33
Nor am I saying, "let's wait for the test results", because I know the tests themselves are being conducted under extremely dangerous circumstances.
It is a pity that the issue has to compete with so many other burning issues, otherwise it might be possible to build a large movement around it. Small groups of protesters going and destroying some crop is all very well, but it does not resonate beyond its own boundaries. It has no effect on the total problem. It's like trying to destroy the Statue of Liberty by hammering at it with a teaspoon.
All that said, I salute you for a good day's work.
death to the maize!
21.07.2002 19:08
you think the tactic will prove ineffective? I am more optimistic, i reckon people trashing crops is part of the whole reistance to GM. i don't believe that lobbying parliament for example will have any effect, but if people want to do it then fine. HOwever it does strile me as a waste of time in the majority of cases as it has been proven in practice that asking the farmer nicely to pull out did not work despite something like over 1000 signatures on petitions. Direct action is a very important and effective tactic and should not be discounted just because there is only a relatiely mall number of people who are prepared to do it.
Just imagine if th 1000 people who signed the petition had taken direct action instead, the ENTIRE crop would have been destroyed very quickly indeed and the test would have had to be totally written off, imagine if all the people in all the areas where GM is growing took it upon themselves to take direct action. I believe it can be an extrememly effective tool against all sorts of nasty things, the more widely the tactic is adopted the better.
the nine people who were arrested will proabbly have their charges dropped or it may follow previous cases where the case has gon in front of a jury and the defendants found not guilt of criminal damage because they have the lawful excuse of necessity.
i think it is fear that stops many people from taking direct action, but there is really very little to fear, nothing to lose and everything to gain.
not that i would want to incite criminal damage of course.
but like i said before, its not really criminal damage at all :)
someone else who was there
Carry on trashing . . it beats selling papers
22.07.2002 18:56
Also Lenin - when you say 'thats you told' after stating your method for stopping GM trials - why don't you fucking get on with it? Thinking about it GM trashing gets on the news loads - trials havent stopped so carry on trashing!