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Wake up to chemtrails

Dor | 20.07.2002 22:38

It's now or never.

The time for talk is over and gesticulation is achieving nothing. We know the facts, the history, the modus operandi of the banking tyrants and their ultimate objective. It’s not pretty. It involves death and disease on a monumental scale. No-one is exempt, we are all scum to them. They are killing us off in a variety of ways but chemtrails in our skies is the most obvious, in your face, evidence. This cannot be for any altruistic purpose, you can’t contaminate the air and water to save the planet. We are visibly being poisoned by covert military operations and people still don’t comprehend it. Our conniving government, whoever is in power is not for us, but against us. They are thwarting all our best efforts to progress, develop and live in peace and prosperity. We must take back the power which rightfully belongs to us and cease from pandering to political whims, or we are doomed. It’s now or never.



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Picture this

20.07.2002 23:47

Put yourself in the picture. It's not a "conspiracy theory" it's been acknowledged by Congress.

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wanted - chem busters

21.07.2002 01:27

One way to fight back. Don't ask me what happens to the chemical and biological residues. They got to fall to earth anyway I suppose. Only one I know about in the Derbyshire area so far . Another due to start pointing in Yorkshire shortly. Clear the deadly orgone associated with this phenomenon.
Each cb is alleged to extend a cover of 60 miles radius. Not so many needed to network cover for the whole UK.
Get building



21.07.2002 01:34



another way

21.07.2002 02:12

True apologies dor. Indy won't allow me to get a direct link up tonight.
Anyone still interested copy the following and paste into the browser
