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The revolutionary left and sept 11

revolutionary | 20.07.2002 17:00

Is it not time that the revolutionary left came clean and admitted that the action of Sept 11 was a heroic revolutionary act directed against the key centres of economic and military power right in heart of the US imperial beast?

Is it not time that the revolutionary left came clean and admitted that the action of Sept 11 was a heroic revolutionary act directed against the key centres of economic and military power right in heart of the US imperial beast?
Many who term themselves revolutionaries on the left proclaim that those who worked in these buildings were innocent people! Who are they trying to kid! The people in these buildings were some of the most fanatical 'free' market fundamentalists on earth! The only innocent people sacrificed on the day were the people in the planes and the emergence service workers who rushed to the scene -regretable casulties of war.
Now although I stand opposed to the ideals of the Islamic fundamantalists who carried out these revolutionary actions, it is the task of the revolutionary left to attempt to regain the attention of the 'wretched of the earth' through undertaking our own action against the US imperialists. Whilst we managed to gain headlines last year at Genoa and Gothenburg this year we have clearly failed to get our message across through the corporate media.
Ethically speaking, we might deplore some elements of the actions on Sept 11 but if we are to regain the attention of the oppressed and exploited of the earth then we must undertake actions that will show to these people that the Left is relevent to them and their lives and that we are also prepared to use force against the US.



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somewhat agree

20.07.2002 17:18

i agree in some ways. however, as respect for human life is central to my beliefs, I would have been much happier if all planes had converged on the pentagon. this is also tactically important in the opinion-based era in which we live - revolutions need to capture sympathy and support, and we can do this better with attacks on military targets.



20.07.2002 18:56

Don't be fucking ridiculous. The notion that the running dogs of US imperialism suddenly turned round and became wonderful revolutionaries acting on behalf of the oppressed is half-baked horseshite if ever I heard it. These reactionary fanatics aren't interesting in liberating anyone. The fact that they legitemate their cause by reference to emancipatory discourses doesn't mean we have to believe them - in the same way that just because the US talks about 'humanitarianism' as the motive for all its actions in the world, we don't have to take their word for it. Al Qaeda are a vicious organisation with a thoroughly anti-political world-view. Theirs is a religious quest, an old-fashioned, Old Testament clash of Empires adventure. They are not only indifferent to the number of people they kill, but actually seek to maximise the number of deaths on each adventure. I think it's time YOU came clean, and admitted that you don't give a single flying fuck about, say, the black cleaning ladies who worked in the WTC, the people who happened to shop there, the firefighters who were called to the scene and died ... to you, they're all guilty as sin. Not because they're all dedicated free-marketeers - a frankly ludicrous claim - but because they are Americans.

mail e-mail:

Left - Right - Shite

20.07.2002 20:21

There is not a shred of evidence that Islamic fundamantalists carried out these 'revolutionary' actions.

A Muslim passport, from a plane that was incinerated, floating around Ground Zero and a forged tape of Osama saying "I did it" does not constitute incontrovertible proof, and there has been no exhaustive enquiry, because it might distract the President from pursuing more 'terror.'

The only people with the military skill, technical acumen and callous capability for carrying out such a well planned and coordinated attack, within the USA, is the USA, who now find themselves at the mercy of an unelected dim-wit who wants to be King, with a population of serfs.

We were all victims of the NWO on 9/11... Enjoy your Holy High-Tech War, but there will be no winner, only a world of losers and the Fourth World War will be fought with sticks and stones.


comment provocateur

20.07.2002 21:19

Furthermore, a proposal such as this, were it taken up by the 'revolutionary left, would contribute to the cause of revolution as much as coppers dressed as black bloc demonstrators contribute to the cause of anti-capitalism


Left right distractions

21.07.2002 07:55

I wish people would stop using the terms left and right.
they are just distractions. Thatcher was Right and blair is left, pull the other one !!! there is no difference
The left is a bourgious dream, which they still cling to, if you criticise their heroes then you are accused of being from the Right. It's as if there are only two possiblities.
I think we should get rid of the left, they are just a diversion to distract us from getting on with the job.
Fighting the Power. The SWP and all the other new forms of lefties are all the same, the greens are well past their sell by date, and have in fact already sold out in Brussels.
Whats next a sort of Leftie/Liberal/greenies consortium full of Socialist wankers/ radical chic funded and totally controlled by the CBI and other big business interests. Left and right is a good way of giving someone directions, or keeping us informed about which hand is which and that is it. ...
