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Open letter to the left: Bring back Rhodesia

Graeme Voyer | 20.07.2002 11:25

The following is an open letter to the international left about Southern Africa.

An Open Letter to the International Left

Guest Columnist: Graeme Voyer

(The following is an open letter to the international Left, i.e., the spoiled, media-manipulated zealots who worked all through the 1980's to annihilate South Africa):

Are you happy? You destroyed a well-functioning, sound, healthy, clean, upright society.

All through the 1980's I watched you: gullible, mush-headed dupes, so eager to make public displays of your "virtue" and "compassion." You swallowed all the lies of the South African Communist Party and its powerful allies throughout the Western world; it did not even occur to you to ask questions--so much for "critical thinking."

You marched in the street, denouncing South Africa--something about which you knew absolutely nothing.

When it was over, you went home to your comfortable lives, your effortless, easy lives--and the South Africans, who understood Africa far more profoundly than you ever could, were left to pick up the pieces. They had to suffer the consequences of your ignorance and irresponsibility. They had to suffer the consequences because you were ddicted to the rush of self-righteousness that protesting 'apartheid' gave you. Your "courageous struggle against apartheid"--it was all a lie. And deep down inside, you know it was a lie. You don't mark the anniversaries of your great marches, your great "triumphs." You have forgotten them. You've moved on to other lies, finding other lives to destroy--but the South Africans are stuck with the mess you made. And you don't even care: that is liberalism.

What is the lesson of this tragedy? Liberals always crave something to feel guilty about, but it does not even occur to them to feel guilt over their own grievous mistakes and acts of destruction, motivated by ignorance and arrogance. They just manufacture another cause to pursue: and they love the sound of the media's applause ringing in their ears.

The power of liberalism: that is why the West is dying.


Bring Back Rhodesia

Guest Columnist: Graeme Voyer

Before 1980, tiny Rhodesia was a remarkable country. It was a strong, Christian, anti-communist state.

Everything about Rhodesia radiated cleanliness, competence, and efficiency. Its politicians were British patriots, who held steadfast to the true British values of courage, honor, and fair play, even as politicians in Britain were becoming decadent, disconnected from healthy, wholesome Britishness. Its extraordinary security forces were a sort of telescoped version of the British army, embodying the highest standards of professionalism and ingenuity. The elite Rhodesian units--the Selous Scouts, the Rhodesian SAS, the RLI (Rhodesian Light Infantry)--became legends in the annals of counterinsurgency warfare. Rhodesia's police force, the British South Africa Police, was a model of disciplined excellence.

All too predictably, however, the decadent liberal regimes of the West betrayed Rhodesia into the hands of Marxist fanatics; hence Rhodesia became "Zimbabwe." The result, again predictably, has been widespread corruption deteriorating into anarchy. A once flourishing country has been ruined through enforced political correctness; this tragedy did not have to happen--it was engineered by Western governments which subordinated wise statesmanship and common sensical, empirical policy to Leftist insanity.

The West, through self-righteousness and dogmatic adherence to the platitudes of liberalism, has created a horrific mess in Zimbabwe. It is morally obligated to remedy the situation: its vacillation only prolongs an abominable injustice.

During the heyday of the Ian Smith government, Left-wing British M.P.'s shrieked stridently about bombing Rhodesia. Where are these people now? Are they pleased with the mess that they created through their ignorance, pride, and arrogance? Isn't it significant that Leftists are only interested in African affairs when they offer a pretext for damaging a society steeped in the values and traditions of Western Christian civilization? Once again, Leftism has failed utterly, and the white Rhodesians, who were minding their own business, have been forced to pay a terrible price because of the irresponsibility of Western liberalism.

Graeme Voyer


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20.07.2002 12:02

There aren't many words to express my feelings upon reading that article. But here are a few of them: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Well, I think you get the point.


troll bait

20.07.2002 12:24

troll bait

troll bait
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that's ridicolously sad

20.07.2002 14:42

No doubt that the big mess in Zimbabwe and South Africa has been created by the West.
But this 'creative' operation started well before the end of apartheid and white rule that together with European colonialism are much more the real causes of the current situation.
