Don't Finance Fascism!
STOP NYC Inc. | 19.07.2002 00:33
Now the U.S. is preparing to degenerate to the level of spying on its own citizens. Now is the time to do as the world did when Nazism took over Germany prior to WW II-Stop Financing Fascism!
As posted earlier here on Indymedia U.K.(see link), the U.S. is preparing to begin a program of citizen spying that would make the former East German or Soviet Union regimes look benign. Just as the world did with Nazi Germany sixty years before, we need to stop patronizing McDonalds and all other major U.S. multinational corporations!
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Time for americans to put up these posters
19.07.2002 00:52
Download these posters. It's us next
Same all over
19.07.2002 01:31
Please check for all the depressing information you could ever possibly want about new measures being stacked to monitor and control any disent.
+ Here's a report on what the above post refers to:
1 in 24 US citizens are to be recruited as informants under the Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS - this means the US would have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police.
Assuming the program is initiated in only the 10 largest US cities, there would be 1 million informants: