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Primitivism - An Illusion with no future

Steve Booth | 18.07.2002 18:31

The booklet 'Primitivism - An Illusion With No Future is now published on the web. See link for details...

The 56 page booklet 'Primitivism - An Illusion with No Future' is now pulished on the web.

Steve Booth
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then again

18.07.2002 22:50

isn't primitivism valid as an influence? you're never going to get large numbers of people adhering to it: like me, most people get off on variety, excitement, multiculturalism, shiny things, etc. but there is room fo a hardcore argument that says "all this is bollocks", and provokes us to defend it.
besides, the poor bastards will never be able to answer back - unless IMC has set up a bongo link...

toby light - just right

Some comments.......................

22.07.2002 00:18

Just my opinion,green anarchists that call for primitive lifestyles know that this would not be a reality for everyone. Many people have pointed out that hunter gatherer/berry picking lives would not be possible for everyone with 6 million people on earth at this point. But the fact that these primitivists are realizing that there has got to be another way to live is always encouraging. There always will be extremes,and this extreme will hopefully balance out the people on the other side of the spectrum who feel that merely recycling their trash and escaping to organic farms will solve the world's problems. The primitivists assert that an industrial collapse is a needed thing-how can that be argued with? Industry is killing us. Many people disagree with their ideologys,but I will credit them with at least having brains enough to realise that the system is killing us rapidly.

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