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write on notes

jmayler | 18.07.2002 16:48

A reminder that it's easy to write activist URL's on money, I feel that there is a nice irony in that the tool of capitalism becomes the message of it's destruction

A reminder that it's easy to write activist URL's on money. I feel that there is a nice irony in that the tool of capitalism may become the message of it's destruction.
so write on a note today.



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I'm doing it

18.07.2002 17:08

Still waiting for that wonderful moment when I get a fiver in change and it's already on there! Come on everybody - don't forget this. Let's make it a huge thing. Tell everyone - keep reminding.


the url is wrong!

20.07.2002 13:46

The urls from where to access imc-uk are:, or:

an imc-er
- Homepage: