Mike Lane | 18.07.2002 10:00
A whole industry of highly paid incompetent middle class regeneration administrators have created a bureaucratic nightmare so as to put themselves into as many highly paid jobs as possible as they make a mess of regeneration on Merseyside.
The regeneration situation is so bad on Merseyside that even the right wing newspaper the Daily Post was forced to speak out, but little has been said since. The Daily Post is noted by activists for its somewhat schizophrenic reportage. Shortly after the article below was written the same newspaper was singing praises to the fat cats that they were criticising. The first Daily Post web link does not contain the entire storey. The names of the fat cat administrators are conveniately left off, but if you go to my whistleblower website you can see the full article which has a list of names of many of the fat cats administrators. If you take the time to research the Daily Post and Echo’s web site by putting the names of these fat cats into the web site search facility you will see that ever since this critical article was written these newspapers have continually praised these regeneration fat cats.
For half of the storey log on to
For the entire storey, which contains the names of the fat cat regeneration administrators, log on to:
For proof of the way in which the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo say one thing and then say another log on to their web page:
In the above web page you will see how these newspapers continually spew out the most favourable spin about regeneration. As well as singing praises to the Regeneration administrator fat cat Bob Lane, who they had highlighted as a fat cat, this particular article is incorrect. If you visit Speak Garston and talk to the people they will tell you in no uncertain terms that the jobs which the Post and Echo say have been created in this area do not exist for the people who actually live there. They will also tell you about the underhanded way in which the media and local BBC Radio Merseyside chat show host Roger Philips in a promotion video helped persuade them to transfer their council houses over to the private landlord South Liverpool Housing who are making a mess of the cheap and nasty renovation that they promised the beleaguered people of this run down remote area. So bad is the behaviour of this private landlord that two local councillors who sat on the South Liverpool Housing board fearing that they would lose their positions as councillors in the local elections resigned from the South Liverpool Housing board. Although the Daily Post and Echo knew about this they, as far as I know, have never printed a storey on the issue of these resignations.

For half of the storey log on to

For the entire storey, which contains the names of the fat cat regeneration administrators, log on to:

For proof of the way in which the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo say one thing and then say another log on to their web page:

In the above web page you will see how these newspapers continually spew out the most favourable spin about regeneration. As well as singing praises to the Regeneration administrator fat cat Bob Lane, who they had highlighted as a fat cat, this particular article is incorrect. If you visit Speak Garston and talk to the people they will tell you in no uncertain terms that the jobs which the Post and Echo say have been created in this area do not exist for the people who actually live there. They will also tell you about the underhanded way in which the media and local BBC Radio Merseyside chat show host Roger Philips in a promotion video helped persuade them to transfer their council houses over to the private landlord South Liverpool Housing who are making a mess of the cheap and nasty renovation that they promised the beleaguered people of this run down remote area. So bad is the behaviour of this private landlord that two local councillors who sat on the South Liverpool Housing board fearing that they would lose their positions as councillors in the local elections resigned from the South Liverpool Housing board. Although the Daily Post and Echo knew about this they, as far as I know, have never printed a storey on the issue of these resignations.
Mike Lane