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Nigerian women storm new oil plants

BBC posted by Abelian Systems | 18.07.2002 01:46

Nigerian women have occupied four oil facilities in Nigeria's coastal Delta State.
The pumping stations, run by ChevronTexaco, are in the same area as the Escravos oil terminal which is still occupied by a group of local women after being seized 10 days ago.

A national police spokesman, Haz Iwendi, said that between 200 and 300 women had seized the stations, according to the French news agency AFP.

The stations were captured by unarmed women from the local Ijaw ethnic group, a spokesman for the Ijaw Youth Council said.

BBC posted by Abelian Systems
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18.07.2002 11:01

Condoleeza Rice will not be pleased black women are asserting their rights in Nigeria and excercising their power over Chevron, where Miss Rice, the NSA Security Advisor's interests are invested.
