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"No Story to Tell Yet" and "Glitches"

STOP NYC Inc. | 17.07.2002 21:15 | Indymedia

Continueing on the subject of "Disruption of Indymedia", what's behind the "No Story to Tell yet" "glitches"?.

Numerous articles here at Indymedia U.K. have mysteriously disappeared, apparently victims of some "computer glitch"(which was supposed to have been corrected, we were told). It's amasing how selective these "glitches" have been-like the consistency of articles calling for economic boycotts of Isreal and/or the U.S. disappearing from the newswire, like my "Don't Finance Fascism" posted earlier and now displaying the "No Story to Tell Yet" when there WAS a story there, complete with comments, just hours earlier.

How sure can Indymedia U.K. be that their "computer glitch" isn't in the form of a zionist/fascist infiltrator?



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It's a technical glitch

17.07.2002 21:46

It's a technical glitch, I know because I had problems of the "no story to tell yet" error myself in the past. What people should to is report such glitches to

However, to any newcomers to Indymedia the whole thing does look suspicious, and I must agree that the systems used by the IMC has a lot to be desired. Searching the site takes forever, and the results are barely legible unless you highlight them. Also posting articles and comments takes awhile, and I actually hit the stop button on my browser when posting to that "don't fiance fascism" article, this was also when the "no story to tell yet" bug raised its ugly head. The whole system used by IMCs could be made a lot more reliable in my view.

Thomas J

no story to tell

17.07.2002 22:39

In my experience , the message means they're hiding something. And curiously enough I've gained the impression that it happens when one particular fella's finger over the exit button


no story to tell yet

18.07.2002 08:52

"no story to tell yet" is a bull shit Censorship tool used here don't believe the spies that work here
THE SOLUTION is to copy the stories you think will be censored to a file and repost them continuously so people can read them


how about some common sense

18.07.2002 09:03

I read these paranoid postings with amazement - whatkind of world do you lot live in - why on earth do you think there is a dark hand behind the 'no message to tell yet' notice. It happens all over and is obviously technical, but no, the hard done by out there are trying to say that evil forces are involved!

Grow up boys and get a life


sinister conspiracy

18.07.2002 11:08

I reckon it's the masons, allied with the aliens and those lizard things that are stopping brave spotty youths from relaying THE TRUTH as told to them by the voices in their head.
How about separate 'News' and 'Views' sections - that might discourage the racists and conspiracy loons


news + views classification

18.07.2002 14:12

I've heard that the code used by indymedia can now be modified to allow for posting to be classified eg News / Comment / Event / Artwork etc

This would be a great solution for the newswire.


Sometimes, paranoia can be well-founded !

18.07.2002 14:51

Some stange things relationg to censorship have happened on IMC-uk, for which I am still trying to discover the reasons.

See this page for some details:

The very frustrating 'NO STORY TO TELL YET'-phenomenon *could*, however, be a genuine technical glitch. My own suspicion is that this *tends* to happen when you have multiple windows open on this site, post in one then switch to a different window and hit 'reload' before the post is properly upped - patience or 5 minutes on a different site will bring rewards here - try it!?!

Needless to say, it would be of a great advantage if the technology could be improved to a degree which makes paranoia unnecessary. How about all sending €5 to IMC-uk for a shiny new box of tricks? Here is the link:

Schalom, BP

mail e-mail:

No Comments Posted

18.07.2002 17:01

I posted a comment on here and it didn't appear, quel surprize, because it had USA & Zionism in the same sentence, and that's Anti-Semitic, right?


Wrong, because it *is* posted, 2 lines above

19.07.2002 13:21

Anyway, Zionism is not a form of Semitism, and vice versa. People who think it is need to read more.


gagging, x dh and stop NYC indy

20.07.2002 13:26

'No story to tell yet is simply a technical glitch - the Indymedia offline has been saying 'No story' - Censoring ourselves are we.

What angers me most about this train of comments and the posting is the complete lack of consideration shown by the above. Mr x, etc...Not only is this a fantastic source for info but is run by volunteers who wish to get info out. All you can do is shout your paranoid bilge out onto the newswire, without first enquiring on the e-mail lists about why it is happeneing. Did you go to IMC-tech and ask? You went straight to the newswire, didn't you, like a baby throwing his toys out of the pram. Your ego ran-away and your blinkered mind wanted to tell the world how the 'No story to tell'' was there because of the zionist/nazi link.

I wouldn't mind but it is harmful to Indymedia and although this site is open to criticism, it belongs to the people so you are not doing anyone any favours. Should you wish to criticise or indeed question a conspiracy then seek the truth. This was hardly a conspiracy theory on the scale of 'they didn't land on the moon'. A simple text to the IMC tech list could have helped your erratic mind and thoughts. Perhaps you might want to place your brain energy into something positive like investigating the government or a company and posting news in the newswire. Maybe even go to the lengths of seeing a good story on another website where aliens don't control the editing and post with a summary into the newswire.

Whatever you decide to do next please consider your actions and the effects it may have on those who appreciate and wish to maintain this service.

Up yours

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