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F**K Ariel Sharon and Hamas

gary224 | 17.07.2002 17:58

Yesterday there was an attack in the Jewish Settlement of Emmanuel in the West Bank. A group of Palestinian militants killed 8 people including 1 baby boy.

This was an attack of sheer brutality and one more reminiscent of the Vikings or Nazis. What has now got on my nerves is how the Israeli right, (Sharon and the more fascist – Netanyahu-) will come along and use this for their own political gains.

Eight have died and many people will grieve. And Sharon + Netanyahu will come along and claim that they will help these people in their grief. They will act like they have the answers, they will act like they represent the families of the dead and they will act like they know how to ensure peace.

RUBBISH!!!!!!!!! Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu are warlords. They don’t care about peace; they only want to kill people. Sharon wants to kill cos he enjoys it and Netanyahu wants to kill as it will gain him more power. They are as bad as those who committed the murders.

But those related to the dead or others hurt by this latest attack will look to Likkud and Sharon for salvation. They will believe that the actions of Sharon will ensure peace.

NO THEY WON’T!!!!!!!!! Sharon and the Israeli government have been killing Palestinians for 1.5 years and the murdering is still going on. Sharon has done nothing to help.



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palestinians are starting to piss me off

18.07.2002 23:08

i was talking to a (left wing activist) friend from israel, who was moaning about what an empty task defending palestinian rights had become. he said " the right wing extremists slogan at the moment is 'ein aravim, ein piguim' - No Arabs, No Attacks. and every time i try to defend the arabs, another one blows himself up and fucks up my arguments. these palestinians are starting to piss me off". and if the palestinians have lost the support of the israeli left theyve lost everything. and if they murder nine people in Immanuel, including a boy too young to have a name, theyve lost support

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moral flimsiness

18.07.2002 23:49

ever seen a copper at a demo get hurt. seriously hurt - bleeding, scared, and wishing the nightmre would go away? there's a bloke in there who's taken a seriously wrong career choice and has opinions I hate, but it's a person.

you can support a cause, but see the way it's turning out as totally fucking disgusting. the people on the ground organising the israel slaughter have a worldview that is more vicious than most of us can bgin to imagine. the occupiers must be driven out, as they clearly wont compromise, by armed force if necessary, but seriously - BABIES IN BITS?

if the anti-cap and left werent so hamstrung by rich folks' guilt, they could take a hard uncompromising moral view of how to liberate yourself, and then talk face-to-face with other more full-on struggles.


Erradicating Extremism from Islam

19.07.2002 13:11

The problem is Islam. Its not a religion of peace,despite what western clerics ( and george w bush) say. It's an insidious religion based on power and oppression.Israel has attempted to bargain with these arab terrorists before and got no where. Eventually, a free society must use extreme measures to defend itself from an uncompromising foe.

Moreover, any appearance or claim by these people to be rational human beings seeking a better kind of world or society is a sham, a cover-up to delude others, and proof only of their insidious parasitic religion; the recent bombings which have taken place in Israel are forever proof of the bankruptcy of virtue and the evil intentions of these people in whichever country they may be found, under whatever name they may call themselves: and most important of all, the only choice open to anyone in the United States, Europe, and israel is to hold firm to their own way of life, there freedom of thought and expression and appareciation of human rights and to totally and irrevocable denounce islam for what it is, a religion of terror and oppression, where women are seen as property, where all that are not muslim are seen as the enemies and deserving of death.

Islam has essentially replaced communism as the 'evil empire'

Why isnt islam a religion of peace:

Because of the putrid stench of evil (corrupt human beings). The religion itself, from top to bottom, has been hijacked by extremist clerics with their own insidious agendas that want a muslim world. The goal, is a world filled only with islam.
There are very few Islamic countries that have respect for peoples religious and political rights, and the few that do, only do so by being undemocratic and preventing the free elections that would see these clerics or their political puppets voted into power.

Whereever islam rears its ugly head, respect and tolerance for human beings is abandoned.

Some of you might think this indymedia post I am making is intollerant, but i would say to you, that intolerance can only be dealt with by intolerance. Western nations have attempted to live harmoniously with islamic states and still attrocities like Sept 11th and the suicide bombings in israel, bombing in pakistan etc, are occuring. Its about time that we gave the islamic world an ultimatum.... desist all militant islamification and start respecting the rights of people with non islamic beleif, the rights of women, respect for free thought, or face anhiliation by the combined forces of the western world.

We shouldnt be tolerating extremist islamic groups training and campaigning for jihad in our countries mosques and pass legislation making it legal to close these buildings down as and when its found out that individual buildings are breeding grounds for terrorists. or recruiting offices or groups like the taliban.

Those muslims in the community that are envolved in peacefull worship should publically denounce, with a vengence, groups like al queda and osaman bin laden and actively work with the police and the military to wipe out terrorism.


Eradicating extremism point blank

19.07.2002 22:12

I think people need to stop with the 'Islam is the problem' rhetoric.

Most of the atrocities that Al-qaeda has perpetrated can also be said to be true of the US government, past and present. The US government has committed 'acts of terror' to further their own causes. The only difference between the two in my mind is that one is upfront about's its motives and the other isn't. Neither, to me, is anything to be 'supported' or championed in any 'wars' they might want to make.

Al-qaeda and so called 'Islamic' terrorists, whatever claim they may make, are actually, as defined by the Quran itself, 'mischief-makers'- and we Muslims are told to not align ourselves with such folk who's only cause is to create havoc and destruction. They have hi-jacked our religion, which, yes, is peaceful, if practiced properly, and which you would find out if you actually bothered to do some research into it and refrained from hate-mongering, which really gets us nowhere.

In regards to the suicide bombers- well, all I can say is that I symphatise with the Palestinian people entirely. But losing all hope and destroying yours as well as other innocents lives is senseless and AGAINST Islam, which holds human life in the greatest esteem- To kill one person is to kill the whole of humanity. Suicide of anykind is abhored in our religion.

Islam is a religion of hope, and if these suicide bombers claim to be Muslims than they should act accordingly, and have hope. They should not let their despair overrule their reasoning and should not allow others to exploit their despair.

'Jihad' is not permitted against innocent people, especially helpless people, like women or children. Jihad is also not only fought on the 'battlefield'- it is fought with words, with heart and also there is the first and most important type of jihad- the jihad against oneself- to truly 'elevate' ourselves above the circumstances and to eliminate all that is 'evil' and destructive about ourselves.

These are only my thoughts on what seems to be a situation getting increasingly out of hand- on all sides.


My rant

19.07.2002 22:17

I think people need to stop with the 'Islam is the problem' rhetoric.

Most of the atrocities that Al-qaeda has perpetrated can also be said to be true of the US government, past and present. The US government has committed 'acts of terror' to further their own causes. The only difference between the two in my mind is that one is upfront about's its motives and the other isn't. Neither, to me, is anything to be 'supported' or championed in any 'wars' they might want to make.

Al-qaeda and so called 'Islamic' terrorists, whatever claim they may make, are actually, as defined by the Quran itself, 'mischief-makers'- and we Muslims are told to not align ourselves with such folk who's only cause is to create havoc and destruction. They have hi-jacked our religion, which, yes, is peaceful, if practiced properly, and which you would find out if you actually bothered to do some research into it and refrained from hate-mongering, which really gets us nowhere.

In regards to the suicide bombers- well, all I can say is that I symphatise with the Palestinian people entirely. But losing all hope and destroying yours as well as other innocents lives is senseless and AGAINST Islam, which holds human life in the greatest esteem- To kill one person is to kill the whole of humanity. Suicide of anykind is abhored in our religion.

Islam is a religion of hope, and if these suicide bombers claim to be Muslims than they should act accordingly, and have hope. They should not let their despair overrule their reasoning and should not allow others to exploit their despair.

'Jihad' is not permitted against innocent people, especially helpless people, like women or children. Jihad is also not only fought on the 'battlefield'- it is fought with words, with heart and also there is the first and most important type of jihad- the jihad against oneself- to truly 'elevate' ourselves above the circumstances and to eliminate all that is 'evil' and destructive about ourselves.

These are only my thoughts on what seems to be a situation getting increasingly out of hand- on all sides.

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Rolling on Rafah

16.05.2004 20:35

The time has finally come to roll over the Islamofacist infrastructure in the Palestinian administered territories.
Rachel Corrie died protecting tunnels, as did poor young Tom. To truly "Free Palestine", the Philadelphi Corridor must be widened and the area cleared of Hizbullah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad entities.

Horray for Sharon's Unilateral Disengagement plan. Leave the Palestinian militants to string eachother from telephone poles and rob eachother in the casbah. The Islamification of any movement will only lead that moverment off a cliff of ignorance, suicidal nihlism and cultural and intellectual primitivity (72 virgins for boy bombs, but what's there for a Palestinian woman who shreds her corpse in a convulsion of self-hatred and patriarchial duress?)

SHARIA FOR PALESTINE? Why does the unwiped political anus of American political culture stand behind the mysoginist, homophobic and reactionary policies and practices of the Islamofacist Plaestinian right?


gregg champion

Rolling on Rafah

16.05.2004 20:44

The time has finally come to roll over the Islamofacist infrastructure in the Palestinian administered territories.
Rachel Corrie died protecting tunnels, as did poor young Tom. To truly "Free Palestine", the Philadelphi Corridor must be widened and the area cleared of Hizbullah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad entities.

Horray for Sharon's Unilateral Disengagement plan. Leave the Palestinian militants to string eachother from telephone poles and rob eachother in the casbah. The Islamification of any movement will only lead that moverment off a cliff of ignorance, suicidal nihlism and cultural and intellectual primitivity (72 virgins for boy bombs, but what's there for a Palestinian woman who shreds her corpse in a convulsion of self-hatred and patriarchial duress?)

SHARIA FOR PALESTINE? Why does the unwiped political anus of American political culture stand behind the mysoginist, homophobic and reactionary policies and practices of the Islamofacist Plaestinian right?


gregg champion