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A collective idea for the UK?

Collective | 17.07.2002 16:48

What? A collective idea, a thought that we could all co-operate non-hierarchically within the direct action movement in the UK.

When? Now! From this point forwards: with people's help, we could have the project underway by the Anarchist Bookfair in October.

How? Initially by using a web portal to unite groups from the UK anti-capitalist movement who want to work non-hierarchically through direct action. And then....

Who? Anyone and everyone who agrees with the aims...

The anti-capitalist movement in the UK is diverse and encompasses many different groups and organisations. A large section of it is based on non-hierarchical politics and direct action, both in terms of protest and in terms of constructing a better reality, a better now to live in. Up to now, there has been little unification, either throught the movement or at the more radical end of it; what there has been was merely an attempt to capitalise on other peoples' benefit - this thought is of Globalise Resistance, the Socialist Workers' Party "anti-capitalist" front group.

There have also been successes: spoof newspapers such as the Evading Standards or the Hate Mail; social projects like the Radical Dairy and London Action Resource Centre; protests and demonstrations and out-doing state harassment. This has been matched by worldwide successes such as the collective of Independent Media Centres; resource pages on the web such as The Anarchist Organisation (, Urban 75 ( and Action Medical (; and the use of newsgroups and lists such as or for discussion and co-ordination.

In the past six months or so, a lot of people have reflected on where the anti-capitalist movement has come from, and also postulated on where it is going in the short-term. Vision has been blunted by the shadow of the 'War on Terrorism,' and within the UK, there does not seem to have been much thought on a broad scale looking at the bigger picture.

Another thing that has also been exposed has been the vulnerability of individual organisations when under attack by the state or other forces of power. Examples include, but are not limited to, the WOMBLE 7 trial in London and the victimisation of the Independent Media Centres, in more than one country - examples being Swizerland and the Netherlands, but there are other examples such as the pressures in the United States of America or even in this country

For all these reasons - and more - here is a proposal. An attempt has been made to detail things in a logical order; generally, there is a brainstorm/bullet list, accompanied by an explanation. First, however, a recap of some of the reasons for the whole project (perhaps not fully explained, but encompassed in ideas such as

What some of the problems are at present, how they can be solved and other ideas to help improve the UK direct action movement.

unity - lack of cohesion so far/attempts to hijack by those with alterior motives
linking established UK groups
longer term vision
resource centre
discussion centre
security (internet)
legal info
medical/safety info
practical info, e.g. squats
forming a semi-permanent *space* that is accessible by anyone and everyone
no secrets!
Calendar - what's on, when...

-A web-based resource site using a simplistic, not-too-wordy design so that important information is available in only a few 'clicks.'
-A portal.
-The opportunity for groups to get involved in design and basics e.g. a 'charter' or declaration; mailing lists, webspace, and so on.
-A de-centralised point from which to organise: funding; conferences; events; protest...a more 'legitimate' side?
-A secure server, pgp-enabled with understandable (both to the user and in terms of necessary) security precautions.

Objective: unite UK anti-capitalists from non-hierarchical and direct-action groups provide an 'entrance' into the UK anti-capitalist movement that is not dominated by trotskyist politics (the SWP!).

This list hasn't been expanded to include a set of 'principles' (see below) which could easily have been done. Instead, it is hoped that mosts of what should be under this heading is fairly obvious from earlier, but failing that, two ideas are provided as some of the broad, overall themes that this project could ultimately end up providing.

short, e.g. 'ten commandments' - perhaps adapted
? from The Anarchist Organisation
? from the Independent Media Centres
? from Peoples' Global Action

(text only site for less modern and/or quicker browser access)
few words
links to essays

It would be nice, too, to have a public area which does not require a lot of input in terms of management time (although this is probably just idealism!)

Sources: [online security advice] [Legal Defense Monitoring Group] [good links to sources, although perhaps slightly outdated now]


Who we are:
'Collective' is a group of people who have been involved in non-hierarchical anti-capitalist direct action within the United Kingdom. We have seen how the 'movement' has developed recently and wish to do something positive to try and improve all our futures. We have little or no training in web technology but lots of energy and enthusiasm! Anyone and everyone is encouraged to join us in this project.

To get involved in this project, join the discussion list at Riseup:


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Alternatively, comments can be emailed direct to

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great idea

18.07.2002 00:54

i think it's a great idea and i'd be up for supporting and joining in. i'll join the list. i was thinking something like this a while ago but wasn't sure how to put it without sounding like another person trying to co-opt the movement off somewhere else for their own purposes.



18.07.2002 02:04

One of the things such a group might consider is where best to find synergies and complements between different 'cadres' in 'the movement'.

The most obvious example from the past is RTS & the Dockers: it seems that a thinktank coming up with other connections would help the movement progress in the future.
