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Obedience IS the law.

Morose Git | 16.07.2002 23:56

Universal Nazism; coming to a planet near YOU!

Imagine the Fourth Reich on a global scale. Sadistic, racist, jackboot thugs, with a license for roadside executions. Slave labour camps, torture, heinous experiments, systematic ritual killings and a World Leader on parade, like Ariel Sharon, who makes the Devil look cute, worshipped, adored and feared by the sheeple.

Welcome to the New World Order.

It may not appear to be so dramatic or traumatic yet, but all the laws are already in place to implement this militaristic system globally and these laws would never have been passed, if they were not intent on using them.

Obedience IS the law.

And while life may seem easy for you, there is an unseen, unspoken, unreported, unbelievable, UN agenda emerging in the shadows, making life a living hell for millions, unnoticed, but unacceptable to anyone with a vestige of humanity in them.


Morose Git


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Sure is coming, angry one

17.07.2002 00:25

Provide the evidence

obsessive git

U.N. or U.S.?

17.07.2002 02:13

You mean U.S. agenda, don't you? The U.N. is too underfinanced and lacking in military personnel for it to be the pervayer of global fascism. In fact, when you look at the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it appears the U.N.'s "agenda" is just the opposite of what the U.S. is unilaterally trying to impose worldwide-in VIOLATION of International Humanitarian Law!

It is becoming emphatically clear that the jackbooted thugs that will be marching across the planet as the Fourth Reich comes into being, will not be flying the U.N. flag, much more likely, they will be flying the stars and stripes.


The End is Nigh

17.07.2002 09:17

The UN, seen to be failing, will be replaced by Global Nation, and they are more likely to fly the Seal of Solomon.

Obsessive git, find your own evidence.

Morose Git