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HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (July 14, 2002 version)

ADRIAN MORE | 16.07.2002 16:33

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.



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how very true Adrian

17.07.2002 00:20

Keep on posting


Or, Dick, at your own option, ..

17.07.2002 07:39

Or, Dick, at your own option, ..
Or, Dick, at your own option, ..

.. a stroke which just results in you never opening your lying trap again would also be quite acceptable to the world.

And for your chum George W(horeMeister) Busch, maybe you could arrange to feed him more monkey-snacks (i.e. pretzels) until the blood-supply to the other half of his shrivelled monkey brain also dries-up.

Cheyney, have a stroke and, at minimum, shut up permanently!
Bush, have a whatever-you-usually-snort and just evaporate!

Caption to photo:

"Unka Dick, I know you said I should stay out of it,
but I got an idea how to fix the midwest problem.
The problem is the exploding Palestinian gorillas, right?
First, we sue the Palestinian Zoo for letting 'em loose.
Then we get that "Crikey" guy from Australia and hire
him to capture them Palestinian gorillas for us.

...I thought of this all by myself.

Unka Dick, why you rubbing your head that way?

...why, ...don't cry, Unka Dick - did I say something sad?"

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