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Deluded anti-capitalists

Son of.... | 14.07.2002 23:32

Two articles from the broadsheet makes you want to read the Mirror

Son of....


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believe in your self

15.07.2002 07:37

come on dh don''t get pissed off !
I always read your shit , it's usually very interesting.
had a bad weekend ????
what the fuck, there are a lot of good , interesting people involved in "the movement" sure we are up against massive forces of evil doers and scum bags. It's one big scam and most of the punters (UK) are living in Eastenders, then you have the left and right diversion, SWP et all middle class and working class distractions, and people who just want to big themselves up by slagging some one off, loads of them on IMC, but loads of people , like me , are switching off the goggle box and turning away from the mainstream media.

bollox to what the observer says ...


Did you forget to take your medication?

15.07.2002 08:31

So, anyone that doesn't agree with your conspiracy theories is a moron?




thanx and right

15.07.2002 22:55

Thanx himself - how very supportive
and right Chris - though it's not moronic - it's refusal to see through the facade


by the way chris

15.07.2002 23:15

connect to your inner self = all your doubts and insecurity- you made a good point - but as someone said - if you're not paranoid you're not paying sufficient attention. Take a walk thru the valley of death - it's cleansing - and see things for what they really are. It's a dom and sub world and if the meek are really to inheret then the meek really need to get a whole lot smarter



16.07.2002 01:53

Anyone that doesn't agree with dh's conspiracy theories IS a moron - MORON!

mail e-mail:


16.07.2002 10:18

It seems to me that there is a real logic defecit behind a lot of these conspiracy theories. Their exponents quite rightly point out that the establishment had benefited from the fallout caused by the 9-11 attacks through increased consolidation of their power, the ability to restrict civil liberties, increased public loyalty, an excuse to fuck over what is left of Iraq etc. However they then take this to mean that the establishment MUST have carried out or at least planned the attacks though they produce little or no evidence to back this up.

Plainly this assumption is ridiculous. If you think about it various groups and organisations could be said to benefit from 9-11. The church saw a rise in attendance, the peace movement grew in prominenece to a level it had not reached in years, the increased focus of the police on anti-terrorism made it easier for crimminals to do what they do and Musharraff formerly a political pariah became the person everyone wanted to be friends with. Do we assume from this that all of these groups had some part in the attacks? Of course not, that would plainly be stupid.

The establishment has done a load of horrific things but we can hardly blame EVERY problem in the world on them.

Disillusioned kid

whine whine

16.07.2002 11:20

I thought both Observer articles were top - Pilger's on form as ever, and the anti-glob update was a balanced examination of where we are and where next..

Conspiracy bollocks is just a way of avoiding doing anything, on the grounds that it's all controlled by the royal family, masons, martians etc. Lonely boys should stick to the x-files.
