Terrorist experts mentioned on TV that the most effective way to kill millions with a biological attack of sarin, anthrax or smallpox, would be with an airborne aerosol spray and it would require expertise beyond your average terrorist.
While many people are worrying about a possible biological attack, people are already suffering from chemtrail exposure, blinding headaches, sore eyes and upper-respiratory disorders, with a cough that no antibiotics can cure. There have been mass outbreaks of 'flu-like' symptoms from America to Manila. You could be incubating a disease already, just from the air you’re breathing and water you are drinking.
There are rumours that some of the bacteria now being sprayed onto us in this outrageous and audacious plan, is dormant/sleeping bacteria which can be potentised (brought to life) through broadcasting certain frequencies through the microwave tower network on Earth - (Gwen towers on your local schools/hospitals/churches) or by frequencies pumped into the Earth's higher atmosphere by huge and powerful installations such as HAARP.
Below is an overview of the several projects, military and government.
1. ADVANCED RADAR STUDIES: The Navy military effort is striving for complete (RF) radio frequency radiation dominance in the atmosphere over (battlefield) terrain. One aspect is the Navy's "RFMP," Radio Frequency Mission Planner - VTRPE program.
2. WEATHER MODIFICATION: Evidence indicates that American and Russian military agencies, and other countries are racing to develop and apply Tesla's scalar energy weapon systems. Scalar is considered by some to be the ultimate military weapon. The technology has broad engineering application. Fragile life support systems in and over the United States are being manipulated and altered by foreign governments for military advantage. Our military is engaged in weather modification for the generation an dissipation of precipitation, clouds, and fog; modification of localized storm systems; and the use of the ionosphere and near space for space control and communications dominance; as well as to negate the effects of Russian scalar and other "woodpecker" RF radiation efforts against the United States.
4. CLIMATE CHANGE: This involves radiation from the sun, the ozone protective layer, oxygen, CO2, and negating other pollutants in the atmosphere.
We encourage our readers to investigate atmospheric pollution, global warming, ozone and ultraviolet radiation stituations. The news media is not reporting the serious nature of these events. In this application, man-made aerosol cloud cover is a poor, temporary "patch" with health consequences and not an acceptable fix to those problems. The solution is to ground airplanes, shut down industry, close fossil fuel generating plants, etc., and alter our way of life. So you see, an economic collapse would ensue if the source of the problems were directly addressed.
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Conspiring Together
13.07.2002 00:35
While many people are worrying about a possible biological attack, people are already suffering from chemtrail exposure, blinding headaches, sore eyes and upper-respiratory disorders, with a cough that no antibiotics can cure. There have been mass outbreaks of 'flu-like' symptoms from America to Manila. You could be incubating a disease already, just from the air you’re breathing and water you are drinking.
There are rumours that some of the bacteria now being
sprayed onto us in this outrageous and audacious plan,
is dormant/sleeping bacteria which can be potentised
(brought to life) through broadcasting certain frequencies
through the microwave tower network on Earth - (Gwen towers on your local schools/hospitals/churches) or by frequencies pumped into the Earth's higher atmosphere by huge and powerful installations such as HAARP.
14.07.2002 14:20
Green Monkey
Sky Wars
14.07.2002 21:40
1. ADVANCED RADAR STUDIES: The Navy military effort is striving for complete (RF) radio frequency radiation dominance in the atmosphere over (battlefield) terrain. One aspect is the Navy's "RFMP," Radio Frequency Mission Planner - VTRPE program.
2. WEATHER MODIFICATION: Evidence indicates that American and Russian military agencies, and other countries are racing to develop and apply Tesla's scalar energy weapon systems. Scalar is considered by some to be the ultimate military weapon. The technology has broad engineering application. Fragile life support systems in and over the United States are being manipulated and altered by foreign governments for military advantage. Our military is engaged in weather modification for the generation an dissipation of precipitation, clouds, and fog; modification of localized storm systems; and the use of the ionosphere and near space for space control and communications dominance; as well as to negate the effects of Russian scalar and other "woodpecker" RF radiation efforts against the United
3. BIOLOGICAL DETECTION / DECONTAMINATION: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
4. CLIMATE CHANGE: This involves radiation from the sun, the ozone protective layer, oxygen, CO2, and negating other pollutants in the atmosphere.
We encourage our readers to investigate atmospheric pollution, global warming, ozone and ultraviolet radiation stituations. The news media is not reporting the serious nature of these events. In this application, man-made aerosol cloud cover is a poor, temporary "patch" with health
consequences and not an acceptable fix to those problems. The solution is to ground airplanes, shut down industry, close fossil fuel generating plants, etc., and alter our
way of life. So you see, an economic collapse would ensue if the source of the problems were directly addressed.