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Not just Money but Human Rights

Argentinean Citizen | 12.07.2002 17:47

USA currency states "IN GOD WE TRUST", but when americans have to make any decision, specially with a foreign country, it seems as if God does not exist. GOD does EXIST, but we can't honor Him unless we honor human beings.


The international press has informed that the IMF is forcing Argentina to use compulsive bonds to replace deposits originally made in US dollars. On the other hand, a very weak government in Argentina, is not able to assume the responsibility of giving compulsive bonds to depositors and instead has given a kind of "different choices" that could be compared as the choices one might have if when sentenced to death, has to choose between the "electric chair" or the "gas chamber".

I'm sure the IMF knows many "economic recipes" (a kind of genetic engineering experiments) aimed to give "solutions" to under developed countries. For sure, these recipes are never used in developed countries.

Times have changed. The same situation 10 years ago may not be fixed with the same "formula" today. Argentine people deserve another consideration. The banking system is also responsible for the stolen funds and it should honor its word.

The solution remains in the healing of human beings relationships. This is not just a matter of money, this is about people. Bankers should talk with depositors to find a viable solution for every situation. By doing this, relationships would heal forever, confidence would be immediately restarted and money would be kept in banks. At this very moment in mankind history, there is no other way or economic recipe to recover people's confidence.
Otherwise all banks would be eventually eliminated from the face of the Earth, leaving many empty buildings that could be used as hospitals or for non-profit organizations.

I still have hope in that the IMF will understand the situation. This would help to avoid developed countries to go through similar situations. Some people know that these developed countries (USA and others) have virtual money deposited in banks. What could happen if more people realize that their savings are just electronic records in a computer disk?

USA currency states "IN GOD WE TRUST", but when americans have to make any decision, specially with a foreign country, it seems as if God does not exist. GOD does EXIST, but we can't honor Him unless we honor human beings.

Buenos Aires - Argentina

Argentinean Citizen
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12.07.2002 22:34

Yes, it says in God we trust, but it is money that they lust. This inscription is nothing but a token gesture of what people SHOULD be doing, not in what they ARE doing. What hypocrisy. If God does not destroy the US, then HE owes Sodom and Gomorrah and apology!


God does not exsist.

13.07.2002 07:50

God does not exsist , it is only humans insecurity that invents this childish belief.God and money have always worked together to destroy our common humanity and compassion.Christianity especialy made room for capitalism during Luthers reformation , capitalist elites have enslaved all peoples ever since.The US is a buisness run society both governed and controled by right wing christians , who only wheel out god for their own materialist and selfish ends.
