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Stop the Bush-dynasty

Guido | 11.07.2002 21:34


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Time for a change?

11.07.2002 23:20

To effect change we need a majority and that means that the majority must understand the present system is the cause of many of the problems in the world today. Poverty in Africa , South America and Asia is a direct result of the IMF, corrupt governments and the continuation of the global corporations to exploit natural resources in these wonderful continents. Sure they suffer from droughts, floods, lack of infrastructure, education etc but none of these problems are insurmountable with the huge resources we have at our disposal in the ‘developed’ nations.

The profits from one oil giant Shell last year of $10 billion, would have sorted out several African nations. But we are prepared to line our pockets and look the other way when it comes to the suffering of others. So while Shell is busy paying off the military to kill local protesters in Nigerian oil fields , we take the dividends and happily go off to church on Sundays, confessing to some petty sin, while the gross public sin is never confessed.

It’s all out of sync now and this situation has become self perpetuating. More people died of starvation on the 9/11, than in the towers, but because they did so in countries where we exploit rather than rejoice in our ‘good’ fortune, we ignored that fact. We concentrate on the ‘media’ outrage and give the military a good excuse to push on in their efforts to find other countries to drain, like Afghanistan and soon Iraq.

We should be looking for a world where everybody has the same basic human rights and privileges and then an incident like 9/11 may never have happened. America is the focal point of the Capitalist Dream but it is equally represented in the European Union, just more quietly. Typically the Americans are brasher about it, but most developed nations are taking part in the military coupe in Afghanistan.

How can it be that people would rather get fat on the starvation of others. Do they not feel the terrible weight of injustice, when they see pictures of starving or AIDS children. We have become immune to those images these days, preferring to profit form the oil, diamond and lumber companies exploiting rather than seeing the real crime of not caring.

When I see the local people of Africa and South America I see a reason and that reason is us. For hundreds of years we have exploited and oppressed the people of these regions, through religion, slavery, colonialism and now capitalism. We are responsible for the Earth now and we owe it to the human race to manage resources responsibly for the greater good of mankind, for all our brothers and sisters.
