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ANL: oppose NF in Peterborough

ANL supporter | 11.07.2002 12:56

Forwarded from ANL:


Saturday 13 July

Meet: 11am outside Peterborough Cathedral

The Nazi National Front want to stir up race hatred and
violence in Peterborough this Saturday with a "day of
action" in the town. The Anti Nazi League will be
assembling to stop the NF. Come along and bring your

ANL supporter
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quick in and out?

11.07.2002 13:10

Does this mean the ANL will parachute into town, wave some mass-produced placards around, sell some SWP papers, then piss off home when it really kicks off, like last year in the north?


There are more important things

11.07.2002 14:58

There are far more important things than stopping the NF which is hardly a threat, over the years the far right has split in many ting organisations such the Third Way, The International Third Position, The National Democrats, The British National Party and one tiny group still called The National Front. Together these organisations have about 3,000 members so are hardly a threat!


no threat??

11.07.2002 16:26

Have you already forgotten the local elections? The BNP won two seats and came close in a few more.

Didn't a lot of the German left in the 1920s/30s say Hitler was 'no threat'?


BNP and NF - difference

12.07.2002 11:24

It was the BNP who got two councillors, not the NF. There's a difference - the NF are insignificant, it's the BNP we should be worrying about. Parachuting into town, waving placards then pissing off again does nothingn for anti-fascism, all it does is alienate people and gives them the idea that anti-fascism = loads of tro dickheads.


Whinge, whinge....

13.07.2002 13:27

waving placards around, parachuting in and out of town.. none of this describes the damm hard work that was done by ANL members before the last elections - and is still continuing as people talk to local people, leaflet, lobby, demonstrate.
Have you got any better ideas? If so, then stop criticising other peoples hard work, pull your fingers out and DO SOMETHING.


Response to heather

14.07.2002 19:40

Heather, the "damn hard work" done by the ANL in the last elections still couldn't stop an alienated Burnley electorlate from voting in not one, not two, but THREE BNP councillors! Whilst I agree that something should be done to combat this alarming rise of fascist groups, I don't think that ANL's tactics are working. If they are serious about opposing the BNP, they should stand candidates of their own wherever a fascist party (be it BNP, NF, or whatever) is standing and give the public a real alternative to the Lib Lab Con!

Thomas J


15.07.2002 00:17

1) I agree with blog.
2) How did the ANL event go?


Rally? Wot Rally?

24.07.2002 10:59

There we were, parachutes and placards at the ready, outside Peterborough Cathedral at 11am as 'organised'. 2hours later, we had wandered around the medeival fayre in the Cathedral grounds and seen a great deal of Peterborough town centre, but not one bloody ANL member. What happened guys?

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