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Inglewood footage (revisited) by Latuff

Latuff | 10.07.2002 21:30

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Inglewood footage (revisited) by Latuff
Inglewood footage (revisited) by Latuff

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Latuffs propaganda

11.07.2002 02:32

More of Latuffs twisted propaganda. Yes,things like this do happen in the U.S.,as they happen in every other country,but Latuffs blind hatred of the U.S. always shows its ugly head.
The incident is being investagated,which is more then can be said about places like Brazil...

Sir Nose

Twisted Propaganda?

11.07.2002 07:16

You obviously haven't seen Latuff's series of cartoons protesting about the Brazillian police, then.

Besides, the US police are racist, and I feel the cartoon has found an imaginative and entertaining way of portraying and protesting against that racism.

David C

David C


12.07.2002 08:56

Why is there a black guy also dressed up as a klan member?
Is this political correctness gone mad?
