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Anti-Sweatshop Initiative

No Sweat Apparel | 08.07.2002 13:44

We're trying to gauge the level of support we can expect from the progressive community for our anti-sweatshop initiative before we begin production.

Getting serious about fighting sweatshops must include OFFERING SERIOUS
ALTERNATIVES. Please take a few seconds to look at ours.

We're trying to gauge the level of support we can expect from the progressive community for our anti-sweatshop initiative before we begin production. What we're doing is pretty simple--providing a living wage to union producers here and in the developing world, a competitive product for consumers and a reasonable return for investors. We can do all that if we don't have to advertise. That's the big if. Will the community spread the word about a for-profit venture? On the plus side, we don't compete with the existing non-profits for scarce resources and attention!

Thanks for your time,

Jeff Ballinger
Director, Press for Change

Adam Neiman
Bienestar International
Manufacturers of No Sweat Apparel

Always do the right thing. It'll gratify some and astonish the rest.
Mark Twain

No Sweat Apparel
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more power to you

08.07.2002 19:38

Good to see someone trying to provide an alternative. best of luck.

Emma - St Andrews

Ethical Threads

09.07.2002 19:22

There is already a campaign/company in the UK sourcing and providing non-sweatshop, ethical t-shirts and other clothing products (linked to infact on the site above, as is No Sweat (UK)).

The organisation is known as "Ethical Threads" (officially: The Ethical Clothing Company Limited) and is run/backed up by amongst others Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Union Council (in London), the GMB union, and Billy Bragg.

As it says on their website:
"Ethical Threads is a brand of clothing and merchandise sourced from workplaces which meet international conventions on workers' rights and which are verified by free trade unions.

"By buying our products you are helping to stamp out sweatshops, explotation and child labour in the clothing industry.

"A percentage of the price you pay will help finance trade union and fair trade campaigns around the world."

For more details see or phone 0208 682 4224 Email

No Sweat, the UK campaign against sweatshops is also an active supporter of the campaign - indeed our own campaign T shirts (only £10) are from a women's cooperative in Nicaragua (I think..they're ethical in any case) - and they are available by post from us or directly from our website at mailto:

Hope this is of use/interest

matt heaney
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