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Earths poles are about to switch over!!!

UN | 08.07.2002 11:44

Earth's magnetic field is showing strong signs that the poles are due to switch over. It could be the end of the world as we know it, writes Paul Simons in the guardian.

The Earth could be about to turn upside down. The planet's magnetic field is showing signs of wanting to make a gigantic somersault, so that magnetic north heads towards Antarctica, and magnetic south goes north. Compasses will point the wrong way, and migrating birds, fish and turtles are going to be very confused.

Just when this will happen, how long it will take and what the consequences will be, is difficult to fathom. What is not in doubt, though, is that it will happen. About every half a million years or so, the Earth's magnetic field flips upside down.

Earth`s magnetic poles are constantly drifting around. At present, magnetic north is heading out of Canadian territory into the Arctic Ocean at about 10 miles per year. Also, a bar magnet quickly loses its power, yet the Earth's magnetic field has been around for billions of years, so something is regenerating it. This is why Einstein remarked that the origin of the Earth's magnetic field was one of the greatest mysteries of physics.

Magnetism trapped in ancient pottery shows that over the past 4,000 years, the magnetic field has weakened by more than 50%. This past century, the strength has dropped by 5%. At this rate, the field might disappear in the next few hundred or thousand years. Another warning sign of an imminent flip has come recently from satellite measurements of the Earth's magnetic field.

(for full story hit link below)

- Homepage:,3605,748510,00.html


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This should be considered

08.07.2002 15:30

In fact, I often wondered whether this might account for the extinction of the dinosaurs [in mesozoic times, not the Tories in 1997]! rather than a giant asteroid or such suspected culprit.
fact is, the ionosphere is part of the magnetic field, so if indeed it is disrupted, we wont get any protection from the high energy esoteric radiation coming in from the sun and outer space.

Free Range Lefty

earth changes

08.07.2002 20:39

