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FREE SPEECH | 07.07.2002 05:54

Some lowlife censoring zionazi pissshit here at IMC-UK acting without authority from me changed the title of the article I posted from "BBC VIDEO SHOWS ZIONAZI TANKS HUNTING AND KILLING FLEEING CHILDREN" to "BBC VIDEO SHOWS ISRAELI TANKS HUNTING AND KILLING FLEEING CHILDREN". As everyone knows, there are no such things as "Israel" or "Israelis". There is only an army of occupation in Palestine. See the article with the changed title at


Some censoring zionazi pissshit here at IMC-UK acting without authority from me changed the title of the article I posted from "BBC VIDEO SHOWS ZIONAZI TANKS HUNTING AND KILLING FLEEING CHILDREN" to "BBC VIDEO SHOWS ISRAELI TANKS HUNTING AND KILLING FLEEING CHILDREN". As everyone knows, there are no such things as "Israel" or "Israelis". There is only an army of occupation in Palestine. See the article with the changed title at

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Hide the following 4 comments


07.07.2002 14:51

Hiding articles merely because they don't like them or agree with them is serious enough, but at least they can {theoretically) be accessed.

But to ALTER THE TEXT of an article calls into question the integrity of the entire IMC process. A proved willingness to change the text of an article to make it more suitable or pc, represents a threat to ALL articles, hidden or otherwise.

Some important questions must now be asked. How many articles have been changed? And when? If I search six months from now for an article using terms that I remember, will I find it? If I do, will it be the SAME article that I remember reading, or will the Orwellian Winstons have changed it during the interim?

Media credibility is always spread quite thin. Without any reason or basis for doing so, IMC has just lost all of its credibility. No one can depend any longer upon the integrity of the text of any article posted here. If I confront someone with the contradiction that they made in another article, they can simply claim that the text was changed.

who cares? They'll change it anyway

stop using the stupid phrase then!

07.07.2002 17:53

I just dont understand people using the phrase zionazi. Just do not use it. It is justifying any action against jews in general because they are supposed to be nazi's. Besides it is creating the sense at people that worldwarII is a problem that Jews themselves have created.

Maybe it is wrong to change the title of you article. But it is also wrong to use the word nazi for the Israel zionist movement.

Call it political correctness as you like. I know there are many more sides to it. So maybe it is just respect to the holocaust? Besides, by using the phrase zionazi you are scaring many people away from your message. Same as people saying iSSrael. That is very stupid. Talk to my grandma for example and you will always regret using this phrase


indymedia censorship

07.07.2002 21:26

How odd - I posted a comment which appeared immediately following the article and now it's gone. The comment briefly discussed the term zionazi and whether or not it was antisemitic, and also the anomalous attitude to hiding articles that indymedia appears to have. As an example of this I linked to a hidden posting of mine which appears to have nothing wrong with it other than it probably doesn't accord to the collective's or one individual member's belief system. In fact the posting had collected 3 comments during its brief above ground life. Unless there's something I'm missing about it that seriously threatens somebody. Anyway now it's gone, - censored presumably cos I don't believe there's a hidden corner for comments, is there?
Or perhaps it's all just personal. I'd never considered or called indymedia people lowlife censoring pissshits. I'm beginning to change my mind
I'll include the link for Hidden.



08.07.2002 03:47


photo: A Palestinian in Athens opposes zionazis.


Rob: Take your pathetic fascist mentality out of here.

Who the hell are you to tell anyone what to say or in what manner to present something?

For your information, the term "zionazi" has been in use among the left since the 60s. You know, about the time Chicago sang "A proud man/Still can/Tell stories his own way." It is used everywhere today by supporters of Palestine. "Zionazi" is a highly appropriate and descriptive term and it is shameful that you would focus on some word rather than on the zionazi atrocities occurring in Palestine, of which the deliberate hunting down and killing of fleeing children is just one more prime example.

Let's not forget that the zionists collaborated with the nazi regime to the extent that one of their leaders officially stated that "All the Jews of Europe are not worth one cow in Palestine."

For proof, see:

which is produced by the Orthodox Jewish Neturei Karta group.

Which raises another point, Rob: your deception that antizionism is somehow antijudaism is a fraud.

Zionists are master race supremacist filths who are worthy of death, just like any other nazis, fascists, klansmen, etc.

Jews are members of a religion who are entitled to their beliefs.