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The People's Pyramid

The K-Foundation | 05.07.2002 18:33

As part of our 'Fuck the Millenium' project we are building The People's Pyramid somewhere in the north of England. However, we need your help to complete it.

The People's Pyramid is to be built using a bricks which represent every man, woman and child born between 1900-2000. It is hoped this project will be completed by 30th October of this year. If you would like to help kindly follow the above link and fill out the form.

Thank you

The Justified and Ancient ones

The K-Foundation
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Pyramid Power?

05.07.2002 21:11

What a crock of sh*t!!!! With all the trouble in the world, can none of you think of anything better to do with your time? Government has OK'd the use of genetically modified crops that may well turn us all purple, there is a war in the Middle East, and the US is slowly taking over the world. you do not need a calculator to work out that your efforts would be much better spent doing something constructive!

Stop building pyramids in the sky; the whole "f*ck the millennium" thing has been and gone... Wake up and face the music, before it's too late!!!

Yours with the utmost contempt,
Barney W.

Barney W.


06.07.2002 03:29

Another KLF publicity prank...

Mr Sleepy


07.07.2002 00:26

What d'you expect? They're ancient. Build it in a GM field.