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Club Tropicana Rebellion

For Socialism | 05.07.2002 13:02

George Michael (of all people) revives the notion of rock stars criticising the state.

George Michael's latest song "Shoot The Dog" shows the first sign of a rebellion in the rock world against the conformity of our New Clear Dawn.
Up to now, the lack of critical songwriters has been one notable difference between the golden days of 1968 and now. whereas Bob Dylan would devote whole albums directed against authority of all kinds and John Lennon would read out chunks of Marx and Mao on pop- shows, nowadays old rock stars tend to stay silent, except for the occasional solo from the roof of Buckingham palace, while the monarchy is entertained in the garden by ageing Satanists. How did rock end up like this ?
So, Although No Wham! fan myself, Im glad George took the risk; perhaps some younger talents can take it from here?

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im with you on that

05.07.2002 13:22

there r a lot of lesser known bands who do speak out, but it would be good to see more of the big boys letting there feelings show.

the trouble is, most of the big boys r all corporate whores, sucking feverishly pon satans cock, and so will never say a bad word against the hands that feed them.

aka fucking pop idols


Surprised to see nobody dismissing this !

06.07.2002 11:45

Yes, Georgio has really made a stand this time, and however mild and unconvincing it may be, lets face it, he just proves how little else anyone is doing now. interesting to see the matter made it to the "Its the Arts" panel discussions, where critiqual people were suddenly quick to remember that one of Georges first hits, "Wham Rap!", was about keeping your spirits up on the dole in the 1980s, even using a slogan from the Black Civil Rights struggle "I Am A Man" .
since then of course, he ran into trouble with his record company, got nicked for waving his cock in the Gents (not very Gentlemanly that, George!) and now claims to have found Our True Messiah, John Pilger. I say its genuine.
