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America, what's happened to you - an open letter

mucus64 | 05.07.2002 11:37

Land of the free, home of the brave...
Oh yes, now where did I hear that???

Land of the free, home of the brave...

Well, somehow I don't think that applies any more. As you cower in your homes, scared of your own government, scared of the wrath of countless martyrs as they prepare to die for their cause (some genuine, others unknowing), just remember what it is that put you there.

Your leadership is corrupt beyond repair; your media spits lies and vitriol at every turn - you know no truths; your "democracy" is the laughing stock of the entire world - your "leader" is an idiot and you didn't even vote for him; your slaughter of innocent people all over the world knows no limits; thanks to your greed and your wars your currency is descending into oblivion and even you will no longer afford to buy your big gas-guzzlers and continue to pollute the world without a care; your companies are showing the signs of greed and dishonesty that impoverished slaves have known of for decades, but that you ignored as long as you were fat and happy.

Still, as you slide into your police state and shut your eyes to the events of the world, just spare a thought that, thanks to you, most of the world experiences your fear every living day, they have never known anything else.

Sleep well...zzzzzzZZZZZZ



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05.07.2002 12:23

Land of the free, home of the brave...

Even that was stolen from the Scots!!

It's sad that "Americans" are hated and blamed by the whole World for the international policies of a small controlling clique, the same Banking Fraternity who have raped their way around the World with impunity for hundreds of years.


Amerikans truly envy Iraqi freedom.

05.07.2002 12:31

If only they could share the joie de vivre of the Baghdadi rabble.

Hesham Mohammed Hadayet

Hesham Mohammed Hadayet - sums it up

05.07.2002 13:22

Well Hesham Mohammed Hadayet, congratulations, you have correctly summed up my message and what seems to be the attitude of the American sheeple, "fuck you, we're alright" - I couldn't have put it better myself. Good luck to you on your little island.



05.07.2002 13:31

But don't mention the Constitution or the signers of the Declaration or the fact that July Fourth was originally celebrated as the day the people got rid of an abusive and tax-happy government. Just spread your legs, lean against the wall, show your ID, make sure you have your cell phone so you can be tracked, don't dare use any fireworks, don't smoke in public places, don't drink on the beach, don't overeat, avoid fats, don't raise your voice to your kids even when they misbehave, stay within the yellow lines and below the minimum speed limit, walk, don't walk, keep off the grass, keep out of the water, stay out of the wilderness areas, don't enter buildings where you don't have business, don't say anything negative about the leadership, don't question, don't think, don't doubt, don't pay any attention to anyone other than the state-approved mainstream media, make sure everything you use has the appropriate tax-stamp, license, registration, taxpayer ID, blood type, zip code, and proof of insurance affixed & in plain view, and whatever you do don't whine about your rights when you're accused of being a terrorist and locked up without access to a lawyer or even a court date, and try to forget that silly nonsense about presumption of innocence until proven guilty before a jury of your peers. Don't forget to take lots of cash for all the fees, taxes, and fines while you celebrate your freedom.