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Spy base protesters demand freedom from United States

- | 04.07.2002 16:14

re-posted from Yorkshire Evening Press (4 July 2002):

Spy base protesters demand freedom from United States
by Adam Nichols

PEACE campaigners today gathered at a North Yorkshire military base to demand an Independence Day for Britain.

TV satirist Mark Thomas, Green MEP Caroline Lucas and Labour member Lynne Joans joined hundreds at the US spy base at Menwith Hill.

The base was guarded by increased security as the first July 4 since the September 11 atrocities was marked.

The protesters read a declaration demanding freedom from the US on the day America celebrates its separation from Britain.

Menwith Hill is at the centre of US president's George Bush's controversial plans for a Son of Star Wars Project, a missile defence system which will be capable of shooting attacking missiles from the sky.

But opponents - including the Evening Press, which launched a campaign against the proposals - believe it could make North Yorkshire a prominent military target for enemies of the US.

Mark Thomas said: "I feel strongly enough about this for me to get out of bed at 6am today and travel here.

"Menwith Hill would play a role in Star Wars, the system would be expensive, it would encourage development of missiles and it would be incredibly dangerous for North Yorkshire as well as the rest of the world. It is a huge issue."

In one of Mr Thomas's programmes, he discovered the skies above Menwith Hill were not covered by a no-fly zone.

He flew a hot air balloon over the base to show the risks its existence created.

He said today: "What is there to stop al-Qaida doing the same? They had no legal powers to stop me."

Dr Lucas said: "The US Star Wars project is an horrific threat to peace, stability and the environment, not just here on earth but in space too."

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Menwith Hill would never be a target

04.07.2002 21:28

until replaced by something better (or more correctly - worse)
