Article by Pilger - front page today in the Mirror
aaron | 04.07.2002 13:47
Another excellent article John Pilger in the Mirror today with front page title Mourn on the fourth of July
It is worth buying for once the Daily Mirror today. There is an excellent 3 page article by J. Pilger. If the Mirror continues with articles like this, it means that the public opinion againts US policies here in Britain is shifting. This is I think the thirth time the Mirror is opening its pager to Pilger and it appears by far the most leftwing maistream newspaper, more left than the Guardian for sure. (Has anyone noticed the quality of the Guardian it is going down, sometimes you feel like you are reading a rightwing newspaper) OK, the rest of the Daily Mirror, is all soap rubbish, advestising and sports. But I still think that we should encourage them, by buying it when they publish front pages, like the one today.
Hide the following 3 comments
04.07.2002 16:32
ageing leftie
they don't sell the mirror 'ere
05.07.2002 07:42
is a better bet, the one below is the link to various pilger stories I guess you are on about the 4 july article ?
Pilger article
05.07.2002 08:17