Bhopal survivors fast unto death - how to help
International campaign for justice in Bhopal | 03.07.2002 19:08
What you can do in solidarity with the Bhopal survivor's brave fight to ensure corporate accountability
You may remember the December 1984 industrial disaster in Bhopal - the leakage of lethal gases from Union Carbide Corporation's pesticide factory has killed over 20,000 people till
date and more than 150,000 survivors are suffering from chronic illnesses. As we speak, one person is dying every day as a result of long term effects of chemical exposure.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has collected a mass of evidence that points out that unsafe location, hazardous design and cutting down of vital safety systems - all at the direction of Union Carbide Corporation USA through its Chairman Warren Anderson - were responsible for the disaster. In December 1987, the CBI charged Union Carbide, Warren Anderson and others with 'culpable homicide', 'grievous assault' and other serious offences and the criminal case against 12 accused continues in the Bhopal District Court.
The gas affected people of Bhopal and particularly the women have been struggling for justice and a better deal for the survivors. They
are demanding that the US multinational and its former Chairman Warren Anderson, who is absconding from justice in India must be
extradited and tried for the massacre and maiming in Bhopal. 95% of the survivors have received a paltry sum of about 15,000 Indian rupees for illnesses they will suffer all their lives. The Bhopal survivors are demanding that they be compensated adequately.
The Indian government is complicit with the crimes of Union Carbide and has been aiding Carbide's evasion of justice. Since 1992, when a non-bailable arrest warrant was issued against Anderson, he has been a fugitive from justice. Various parties in power have not taken the tiniest step in extraditing the accused so that they can be tried in India. The BJP has outstripped the rest in its slavery to the might of the US corporations.
On May 24th, 2002, the CBI filed an application in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Bhopal asking that the offence for which
the absconding Warren Anderson is charged, be modified from 'culpable homicide' to a 'rash and negligent act'. It is surprising that the prosecuting agency should seek this modification when the accused themselves have chosen to stay away from the process of law for 18 years and have not sought any such relief from the Court for themselves.
The new charge recommended by the CBI, namely 'rash and negligent act', is not an extraditable offence. It is therefore clear
that the Indian government is itself making sure that the guilty of Bhopal cannot be brought to justice. This is the worst betrayal yet that the victims of the world's worst disaster have had to face.
On June 7th, the Group of Ministers on Bhopal convened by the Ministry of Chemical and Fertilisers declared that the residents of
20 municipal wards of Bhopal, hitherto considered unaffected by the disaster, would be given compensation from the balance of the settlement fund (Rs. 1360 Crores). The Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR] that carried out research on the effects of gas exposure, other official agencies and even the Supreme Court categorically mentions that residents in these 20 wards were not
exposed. This decision initiated by Uma Bharati, the BJP MP from Bhopal, is a blatant attempt to purchase votes.
It needs to be kept in mind that the fund has remained in balance because 95% of the victims have received only Rs. 15000/- as compensation and no one has been paid interest on her
compensation which is a legal right. The balance of funds rightfully belongs to individual residents of the 36 wards and can not be allowed to be used for petty political gains.
In February 2001, Union Carbide merged with another US multinational - The Dow Chemical Company - which consequently became the largest chemical corporation in the world. Like Union
Carbide, Dow has a long history of producing war chemicals and imposing risks on the health and lives of millions of people worldwide. Legally, Dow has inherited the liabilities of Union
Carbide and yet denies it. Since the merger, survivors' organizations have twice stormed the headquarters of Dow's Indian subsidiary in Mumbai demanding that Dow accept the pending liabilities of Bhopal.
Right now, there are several survivors' organizations holding a dharna and an indefinite hunger strike in Delhi demanding that:
1. the Home Ministry direct the CBI to withdraw its application of dilution of charges before the 17th July 2002 hearings at the Bhopal Magistrate's court and take immediate steps to extradite Warren Anderson
2. the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers rescind its decision of distributing to the 20 newly-added wards the balance of compensation funds that rightfully belong to the residents of the 36 gas-affected wards.
3. the Government of India act rapidly to hold Dow Chemicals, Carbide's new owner, responsible for the pending criminal, medical, environmental and social rehabilitation liabilities in Bhopal.
What can YOU do?
If you're in Delhi, join the dharna at the Jantar Mantar in Delhi and extend your support to the protestors, the hunger strikers and the cause
If you're elsewhere:
a) you can join the fax action to protest the Indian Government's insensitivity to plight of Bhopalis by visiting
b) you can organise a day-long hunger strike in your city with other friends and interested people in solidarity with the hunger strikers
in Delhi. Make sure you communicate to us
( how many and who are going on hunger strike, and where. Also, kindly put out a press statement in your town about your protest and the reasons and include the Bhopal
demands in the statement.
Please Contact Us:
You can visit us right opposite Jantar Mantar everyday from 9 AM to 5 PM or call 9811016420. You could also call The Other Media :
6514847 / 6561743 to get in touch with us. Please visit our websites :,,
for more information on Bhopal and the survivor's struggle.
1. Tara Bai
Age 35
Address # 2, Behind Radhakrishna Temple
Pul-Patra, Bhopal; Ward # 38
Tara Bai was three months' pregnant at the time of the disaster and had to abort as she fled from the exposed area with her husband.
She was married quite young at the age of 16, a year before the disaster. This incidentally was her first conception. Since the disaster, her menstruation had stopped and subsequently, she had been unable to conceive. She still suffers from breathlessness on slight exertion, diminished vision and panic attacks. Tara Bai has
been under continuous medication through out these long years, including being hospitalized.
She has been a member of the Gas Peedit Niraschrit Morcha for the last 12 years.
2. Rashida Bee
Age 46
Address # 12, Galli NO 2, Near Naseer Masjid
Bagh Umrao Dulha, Bhopal; Ward # 41
She is the President and Co-Founder of Bhopal Gas Peedit Mahila Stationery Karmachari Sangh. The organization formed in 1986 was registered as a trade union of women workers in 1987 and is
composed of equal numbers of Hindus and Muslims severely affected by the gas leak. Her grit and commitment for justice is evident from the fact that she and 100 other women took part in a
padayatra from Delhi to Bhopal in 1989.
Five persons in Rashida Bee's immediate family had died of cancer after the disaster. She suffers from diminished vision, acute episodes of headache and panic attacks.
3. Satinath Sarangi
Age 48
Address B 2 - 302, Sheetal Nagar,
Berasia Road, Bhopal; Ward
An M Tech in Metallurgical Engineering, Satinath came to Bhopal a day after the disaster and has been involved with relief, rehabilitation and issues of justice for the Bhopal victims since then. He is one of the Founder Members of the Bhopal Group for Information and Action that carries out documentation, research and publications.
He is also actively involved with legal actions as well as national and international campaigns.
__________ ______
New Delhi, July 1st, 2002: Survivors of the December '84 Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal entered their sixth day of demonstration
in Delhi at Jantar Mantar and the third day of indefinite fast by two survivors and one activist from Bhopal. The National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal which includes survivors' organizations and supporters launched their "Satyagraha On The Move" --- from today onwards, three hunger strikers will be continuing with their protest in an RTV van that says: "This is what democracy looks like". This was their way to "reclaim space for dissent" that they allege is denied by the rules governing public protests in the city.
The survivors are demanding that the application presented before the Chief Judicial Magistrate [CJM], Bhopal, recently by the CBI in the criminal case on the disaster be withdrawn immediately.
On May 24, 2002, the CBI that works under the Home Ministry has sought to dilute the charges against Mr. Anderson from "culpable homicide" to "negligence". While the former draws a penalty of 10 years imprisonment and fines, "negligence " carries a punishment of up to two years in prison or fine. More significantly, "negligence" is not an extraditable offence. So, if the CJM grants CBI its request, on 17th July - the next date of hearing, it could well be the end of the criminal case against Warren Anderson and Union Carbide Corporation, USA.
The survivors of Bhopal assert that there are 'blatant irregularities in the prosecution of prime accused Warren Anderson'. "The Indian
government and the Home Minister have sold themselves to the US Corporations. This is clear from the way they are trying to let Anderson go scot-free. Through this action, the Home Minister is putting the health and lives of ordinary Indians at the mercy of American corporations" alleges Mr Namdev of Gas Peedit Nirashrit Morcha, Bhopal.
The other immediate issue that survivors are agitated about is the decision of the Group of Ministers on Bhopal convened by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers to distribute the balance of the compensation fund to the residents of 20 municipal wards in Bhopal where, according to the survivors and agencies like Indian Council of Medical Research, "Carbide's gases never reached".
The survivors' organizations have responded to the immediacy of the issue by announcing an indefinite fast at the expiry of 24 hours of
their submitting memorandums to the Home Minister and the Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers. The hunger strikers living on just water and lemon are being examined by Dr. Mathew Verghese,
Director of a renowned local hospital.
Tara Bai, one of the survivors on the indefinite hunger strike had suffered a miscarriage soon after the disaster and had not been able to conceive since then. Rasheeda Bee, President of Gas Peedit Mahila Stationery Karmachari Sangh, who is also on hunger strike, had lost five members in her family due to the gas exposure.
They strongly demand that:
1. the Home Ministry direct the CBI to withdraw its application for dilution of charges before the 17th July hearings at the Bhopal Magistrate's court and take immediate steps to extradite Warren
2. the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers rescind its decision of distributing to the 20 newly-added wards compensation funds that rightfully belong to the survivors of the Carbide disaster
3. the Government of India act rapidly to hold Dow Chemicals, Carbide's new owner, responsible for the pending medical and environmental rehabilitation liabilities in Bhopal.
National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal
B 14, Second Floor,
Gulmohar Park
New Delhi 110 049
Tel: 6561743/6514847
Email: and
Dear Friends,
The representatives of the victims of Bhopal Gas Tragedy are here in Delhi to bring to the notice of the political establishment their plight and also the injustices done to them. The following is the statement made by the people who have come to Delhi. Today is the 5th day of the fast that they have undertaken to make the officials and
politicians to listen to their demands.
Please fax this message to the concerned ministries, join those in fast at Jantar Mantar. The case is coming for hearing on the 19th and
pressure has to be built on the political establishment now. Please do the needful.
In solidarity with the victims of Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
prakash louis
Indian Social Institute
New Delhi
1. Minister of Home Affairs
Graha Mantralaya
Government of India, North Block
New Delhi
Fax: 011 3782397 or 3782367
2. Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers
Shastri Bhavan, Raisina Road
New Delhi
Fax 011 3381573
Copy to: National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal (Address below)
DATE: 28 June 2002
Dear Sirs:
You're probably aware that several survivors from Bhopal have launched an indefinite hunger strike in New Delhi to protest against recent Government decisions affecting their lives and
future. I'm alarmed by the decisions taken by your Ministries regarding two crucial issues relating to the Bhopal disaster and the
struggle for justice by the survivors. I refer to the following:
1. The CBI's application to the Bhopal Magistrate's Court asking for dilution of charges against Warren Anderson from homicide to
2. The decision by the Group of Ministers on Bhopal (convened by the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers) to include 20 additional
and predominantly Hindu wards under the list of wards eligible to receive compensation settlement.
Through these moves, the Government has exposed itself as placing more value on the interests of multinational corporations and the Government of USA than on implementing Indian laws or
safeguarding the interests of the Indian people.
I'm aware that the dilution of charges from homicide to negligence is an ill-researched attempt to led Union Carbide and its new owner Dow Chemicals off the hook in the criminal proceedings against them.
I'm also aware that the inclusion of the 20 new Hindu wards is a key element of BJP's efforts to cultivate a stronger Hindu vote- bank in Bhopal using the money of survivors. We see disturbingly strong similarities between the Gujarat carnage and the slow- motion genocide perpetrated by the Government on the survivors in Bhopal.
In both instances, known killers have been left unpunished. In both cases, the Government has discriminated in disbursing compensation amounts.
We support the survivors of Bhopal in their demands. We request that:
1. The Home Ministry direct the CBI to withdraw its application for dilution of charges before the 17 July hearings at the Bhopal Magistrate's court.
2. The Home Ministry direct the CBI to move on the extradition of Warren Anderson and representatives of UCC to India to face trial in
the criminal case against them.
3. The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers rescind its decision of distributing to the 20 newly added Hindu wards compensation funds that rightfully belong to the survivors of the Carbide disaster.
4. The Government of India act rapidly to hold Dow Chemicals, Carbide's new owner, responsible for the pending medical and
environmental rehabilitation liabilities in Bhopal.
National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal
Prakash Louis
Executive Director
Indian Social Institute
10, Institutional Area
Lodi Road
New Delhi 110003
Tel: 4625015, 4622379, 4611745
Fax: 011- 4690660
Web Site :
You may remember the December 1984 industrial disaster in Bhopal - the leakage of lethal gases from Union Carbide Corporation's pesticide factory has killed over 20,000 people till
date and more than 150,000 survivors are suffering from chronic illnesses. As we speak, one person is dying every day as a result of long term effects of chemical exposure.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has collected a mass of evidence that points out that unsafe location, hazardous design and cutting down of vital safety systems - all at the direction of Union Carbide Corporation USA through its Chairman Warren Anderson - were responsible for the disaster. In December 1987, the CBI charged Union Carbide, Warren Anderson and others with 'culpable homicide', 'grievous assault' and other serious offences and the criminal case against 12 accused continues in the Bhopal District Court.
The gas affected people of Bhopal and particularly the women have been struggling for justice and a better deal for the survivors. They
are demanding that the US multinational and its former Chairman Warren Anderson, who is absconding from justice in India must be
extradited and tried for the massacre and maiming in Bhopal. 95% of the survivors have received a paltry sum of about 15,000 Indian rupees for illnesses they will suffer all their lives. The Bhopal survivors are demanding that they be compensated adequately.
The Indian government is complicit with the crimes of Union Carbide and has been aiding Carbide's evasion of justice. Since 1992, when a non-bailable arrest warrant was issued against Anderson, he has been a fugitive from justice. Various parties in power have not taken the tiniest step in extraditing the accused so that they can be tried in India. The BJP has outstripped the rest in its slavery to the might of the US corporations.
On May 24th, 2002, the CBI filed an application in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Bhopal asking that the offence for which
the absconding Warren Anderson is charged, be modified from 'culpable homicide' to a 'rash and negligent act'. It is surprising that the prosecuting agency should seek this modification when the accused themselves have chosen to stay away from the process of law for 18 years and have not sought any such relief from the Court for themselves.
The new charge recommended by the CBI, namely 'rash and negligent act', is not an extraditable offence. It is therefore clear
that the Indian government is itself making sure that the guilty of Bhopal cannot be brought to justice. This is the worst betrayal yet that the victims of the world's worst disaster have had to face.
On June 7th, the Group of Ministers on Bhopal convened by the Ministry of Chemical and Fertilisers declared that the residents of
20 municipal wards of Bhopal, hitherto considered unaffected by the disaster, would be given compensation from the balance of the settlement fund (Rs. 1360 Crores). The Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR] that carried out research on the effects of gas exposure, other official agencies and even the Supreme Court categorically mentions that residents in these 20 wards were not
exposed. This decision initiated by Uma Bharati, the BJP MP from Bhopal, is a blatant attempt to purchase votes.
It needs to be kept in mind that the fund has remained in balance because 95% of the victims have received only Rs. 15000/- as compensation and no one has been paid interest on her
compensation which is a legal right. The balance of funds rightfully belongs to individual residents of the 36 wards and can not be allowed to be used for petty political gains.
In February 2001, Union Carbide merged with another US multinational - The Dow Chemical Company - which consequently became the largest chemical corporation in the world. Like Union
Carbide, Dow has a long history of producing war chemicals and imposing risks on the health and lives of millions of people worldwide. Legally, Dow has inherited the liabilities of Union
Carbide and yet denies it. Since the merger, survivors' organizations have twice stormed the headquarters of Dow's Indian subsidiary in Mumbai demanding that Dow accept the pending liabilities of Bhopal.
Right now, there are several survivors' organizations holding a dharna and an indefinite hunger strike in Delhi demanding that:
1. the Home Ministry direct the CBI to withdraw its application of dilution of charges before the 17th July 2002 hearings at the Bhopal Magistrate's court and take immediate steps to extradite Warren Anderson
2. the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers rescind its decision of distributing to the 20 newly-added wards the balance of compensation funds that rightfully belong to the residents of the 36 gas-affected wards.
3. the Government of India act rapidly to hold Dow Chemicals, Carbide's new owner, responsible for the pending criminal, medical, environmental and social rehabilitation liabilities in Bhopal.
What can YOU do?
If you're in Delhi, join the dharna at the Jantar Mantar in Delhi and extend your support to the protestors, the hunger strikers and the cause
If you're elsewhere:
a) you can join the fax action to protest the Indian Government's insensitivity to plight of Bhopalis by visiting
b) you can organise a day-long hunger strike in your city with other friends and interested people in solidarity with the hunger strikers
in Delhi. Make sure you communicate to us

demands in the statement.
Please Contact Us:
You can visit us right opposite Jantar Mantar everyday from 9 AM to 5 PM or call 9811016420. You could also call The Other Media :
6514847 / 6561743 to get in touch with us. Please visit our websites :,,
for more information on Bhopal and the survivor's struggle.
1. Tara Bai
Age 35
Address # 2, Behind Radhakrishna Temple
Pul-Patra, Bhopal; Ward # 38
Tara Bai was three months' pregnant at the time of the disaster and had to abort as she fled from the exposed area with her husband.
She was married quite young at the age of 16, a year before the disaster. This incidentally was her first conception. Since the disaster, her menstruation had stopped and subsequently, she had been unable to conceive. She still suffers from breathlessness on slight exertion, diminished vision and panic attacks. Tara Bai has
been under continuous medication through out these long years, including being hospitalized.
She has been a member of the Gas Peedit Niraschrit Morcha for the last 12 years.
2. Rashida Bee
Age 46
Address # 12, Galli NO 2, Near Naseer Masjid
Bagh Umrao Dulha, Bhopal; Ward # 41
She is the President and Co-Founder of Bhopal Gas Peedit Mahila Stationery Karmachari Sangh. The organization formed in 1986 was registered as a trade union of women workers in 1987 and is
composed of equal numbers of Hindus and Muslims severely affected by the gas leak. Her grit and commitment for justice is evident from the fact that she and 100 other women took part in a
padayatra from Delhi to Bhopal in 1989.
Five persons in Rashida Bee's immediate family had died of cancer after the disaster. She suffers from diminished vision, acute episodes of headache and panic attacks.
3. Satinath Sarangi
Age 48
Address B 2 - 302, Sheetal Nagar,
Berasia Road, Bhopal; Ward
An M Tech in Metallurgical Engineering, Satinath came to Bhopal a day after the disaster and has been involved with relief, rehabilitation and issues of justice for the Bhopal victims since then. He is one of the Founder Members of the Bhopal Group for Information and Action that carries out documentation, research and publications.
He is also actively involved with legal actions as well as national and international campaigns.
__________ ______
New Delhi, July 1st, 2002: Survivors of the December '84 Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal entered their sixth day of demonstration
in Delhi at Jantar Mantar and the third day of indefinite fast by two survivors and one activist from Bhopal. The National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal which includes survivors' organizations and supporters launched their "Satyagraha On The Move" --- from today onwards, three hunger strikers will be continuing with their protest in an RTV van that says: "This is what democracy looks like". This was their way to "reclaim space for dissent" that they allege is denied by the rules governing public protests in the city.
The survivors are demanding that the application presented before the Chief Judicial Magistrate [CJM], Bhopal, recently by the CBI in the criminal case on the disaster be withdrawn immediately.
On May 24, 2002, the CBI that works under the Home Ministry has sought to dilute the charges against Mr. Anderson from "culpable homicide" to "negligence". While the former draws a penalty of 10 years imprisonment and fines, "negligence " carries a punishment of up to two years in prison or fine. More significantly, "negligence" is not an extraditable offence. So, if the CJM grants CBI its request, on 17th July - the next date of hearing, it could well be the end of the criminal case against Warren Anderson and Union Carbide Corporation, USA.
The survivors of Bhopal assert that there are 'blatant irregularities in the prosecution of prime accused Warren Anderson'. "The Indian
government and the Home Minister have sold themselves to the US Corporations. This is clear from the way they are trying to let Anderson go scot-free. Through this action, the Home Minister is putting the health and lives of ordinary Indians at the mercy of American corporations" alleges Mr Namdev of Gas Peedit Nirashrit Morcha, Bhopal.
The other immediate issue that survivors are agitated about is the decision of the Group of Ministers on Bhopal convened by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers to distribute the balance of the compensation fund to the residents of 20 municipal wards in Bhopal where, according to the survivors and agencies like Indian Council of Medical Research, "Carbide's gases never reached".
The survivors' organizations have responded to the immediacy of the issue by announcing an indefinite fast at the expiry of 24 hours of
their submitting memorandums to the Home Minister and the Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers. The hunger strikers living on just water and lemon are being examined by Dr. Mathew Verghese,
Director of a renowned local hospital.
Tara Bai, one of the survivors on the indefinite hunger strike had suffered a miscarriage soon after the disaster and had not been able to conceive since then. Rasheeda Bee, President of Gas Peedit Mahila Stationery Karmachari Sangh, who is also on hunger strike, had lost five members in her family due to the gas exposure.
They strongly demand that:
1. the Home Ministry direct the CBI to withdraw its application for dilution of charges before the 17th July hearings at the Bhopal Magistrate's court and take immediate steps to extradite Warren
2. the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers rescind its decision of distributing to the 20 newly-added wards compensation funds that rightfully belong to the survivors of the Carbide disaster
3. the Government of India act rapidly to hold Dow Chemicals, Carbide's new owner, responsible for the pending medical and environmental rehabilitation liabilities in Bhopal.
National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal
B 14, Second Floor,
Gulmohar Park
New Delhi 110 049
Tel: 6561743/6514847

Dear Friends,
The representatives of the victims of Bhopal Gas Tragedy are here in Delhi to bring to the notice of the political establishment their plight and also the injustices done to them. The following is the statement made by the people who have come to Delhi. Today is the 5th day of the fast that they have undertaken to make the officials and
politicians to listen to their demands.
Please fax this message to the concerned ministries, join those in fast at Jantar Mantar. The case is coming for hearing on the 19th and
pressure has to be built on the political establishment now. Please do the needful.
In solidarity with the victims of Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
prakash louis
Indian Social Institute
New Delhi
1. Minister of Home Affairs
Graha Mantralaya
Government of India, North Block
New Delhi
Fax: 011 3782397 or 3782367
2. Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers
Shastri Bhavan, Raisina Road
New Delhi
Fax 011 3381573
Copy to: National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal (Address below)
DATE: 28 June 2002
Dear Sirs:
You're probably aware that several survivors from Bhopal have launched an indefinite hunger strike in New Delhi to protest against recent Government decisions affecting their lives and
future. I'm alarmed by the decisions taken by your Ministries regarding two crucial issues relating to the Bhopal disaster and the
struggle for justice by the survivors. I refer to the following:
1. The CBI's application to the Bhopal Magistrate's Court asking for dilution of charges against Warren Anderson from homicide to
2. The decision by the Group of Ministers on Bhopal (convened by the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers) to include 20 additional
and predominantly Hindu wards under the list of wards eligible to receive compensation settlement.
Through these moves, the Government has exposed itself as placing more value on the interests of multinational corporations and the Government of USA than on implementing Indian laws or
safeguarding the interests of the Indian people.
I'm aware that the dilution of charges from homicide to negligence is an ill-researched attempt to led Union Carbide and its new owner Dow Chemicals off the hook in the criminal proceedings against them.
I'm also aware that the inclusion of the 20 new Hindu wards is a key element of BJP's efforts to cultivate a stronger Hindu vote- bank in Bhopal using the money of survivors. We see disturbingly strong similarities between the Gujarat carnage and the slow- motion genocide perpetrated by the Government on the survivors in Bhopal.
In both instances, known killers have been left unpunished. In both cases, the Government has discriminated in disbursing compensation amounts.
We support the survivors of Bhopal in their demands. We request that:
1. The Home Ministry direct the CBI to withdraw its application for dilution of charges before the 17 July hearings at the Bhopal Magistrate's court.
2. The Home Ministry direct the CBI to move on the extradition of Warren Anderson and representatives of UCC to India to face trial in
the criminal case against them.
3. The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers rescind its decision of distributing to the 20 newly added Hindu wards compensation funds that rightfully belong to the survivors of the Carbide disaster.
4. The Government of India act rapidly to hold Dow Chemicals, Carbide's new owner, responsible for the pending medical and
environmental rehabilitation liabilities in Bhopal.
National Campaign for Justice in Bhopal
Prakash Louis
Executive Director
Indian Social Institute
10, Institutional Area
Lodi Road
New Delhi 110003
Tel: 4625015, 4622379, 4611745
Fax: 011- 4690660

Web Site :
International campaign for justice in Bhopal