ID Card Poll
xTx | 03.07.2002 14:59
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nothing to fear?
03.07.2002 16:48
We need to be reminding folk of this; that we're being asked to give politicians more power over ourselves, and how daft is that?
It's a stitch-up
03.07.2002 16:51
Fix !!!!
It's Coming.....
04.07.2002 01:32
Unless you live in a cave and eat grass there is nothing you can do (buy or sell) without this microchipped card, containing ALL your personal data.
How can you turn law-abiding citizens into criminals for failing to have a piece of PLASTIC on you?
Mr Chip
course it was rigged
04.07.2002 20:57
Tne BBC like all the media are part of the problem. Humanity will never be happy until the last politician is hung with the guts of the last pollster...
George Elser
Note this is being brought in via
05.07.2002 12:39
This is a classic case of how the failure of the general public to actively link up with the oppressed has led to authoritarian measures being imposed on both.
Another expression of this is how Blunkett tried to capitalise on the relative success of the England world cup foray by bizarrely calling for the reclaiming of the St George flag from the bigots (when actually it was the bigots who revived it in the mid-1990s from the era of the Crusaders). All those young people naievely waving that flag may suddenly find themselves being forced to hold it aloft for a long, long time. When people like erstwhile radical Billy Bragg can endorse it, what are we supposed to say ? Is "togetherness" for its own sake such a virtue ? Shouldnt we be looking at the basis of this manufactured national unity before we pick up a banner ? I personally, will never play at United Kingdom, not even with my black assoiates (who frankly, should know better !) while the refugee camp question remains unresolved.
For Socialism