The Zionist Lies and Myths.
Christian | 03.07.2002 00:47
This Zionist cult of European invaders mutilated the Bible by perverse interpretation to justify their political cause of robbing land and murdering the Natives. The cult claimed birth right to the Holy Land because they say that they are descendants of Abraham. There is no proof to their claim of birthrights because they are nothing, but a bunch of filthy liars inventing myths and spreading false prophecies to deceive the Christians and others.
It is a very serious matter that I must bring to your attention about the Bible being mutilated into a weapon of evil to serve the greedy opportunists who would kill you too if they had the power to. Remaining ignorance to the work of the deceiver will only perpetuate the lies and the myths. (Revelation2:9) Impostor Jews (Zionists) are the synagogues of Satan. Education is power because the phony Christians and the ignorant people are their biggest supporter of Judeo-Christian in America. They lobby, financially, and morally support and empower the Zionist cult. You will understand what I mean when you read the following and click on the links.
When you talk about the Zionist cult, please keep in mind their lies and myths and beware not to contribute to it. Please read the following and the links. Thank you.
The Zionist cult of European invaders:
Holocaust propaganda always tells about the suffering of poor “Jews” so the world should feel sorry for “Jews” but when it comes to “Jews” murdering others, no time to waste an ink on. We are led to believe that only the suffering of poor little “Jews” matter, while we don’t realize that all those pictures of the German prison camps consisted of a large percentage of non “Jews” if there were 6 million people killed in those camps: 35% were “Jews,” 40% were Jehovah Witnesses, 15% were Gypsies, and 10% were others (homosexuals, deformed people, Catholics, enemies of the Nazis). Yet when the world sees those camps, they think everybody there were “Jews”! Why? Because all the death body looked the same. In the same war, there were over 11 million Russians slaughtered and millions of Chinese imprisoned, human experiments, and mass slaughtered than the number of “Jews” put together. (History Channel) (



So when is the American’s tax payers going to sponsor holocaust museum for the Gypsies and the Jehovah Witnesses? And where are the holocaust museums for the Chinese and the Russians? Make a list of holocausts on a note pad and every time you hear about: the holocaust of the Jews, mark 1; the holocaust of the Jehovah Witnesses, mark 1; the holocaust of the Gypsies, mark 1; the holocaust of the Russians, mark 1; and the holocaust of the Chinese, mark 1. At the end of the year, tally them up to see how only the poor little “Jews” were the victims of the world, a justifiable reason to colonize Palestine in 1948. (


Zionism is an organized political movement of world Jewry that arose in Europe in the late 19th century with the aim of reconstituting a Jewish state in Palestine. The political movement defined Jews as a nation rather than a religion, therefore making Jews from all over the world as people of the nation “Israel” instead of their respective countries which ultimately leading to the Great Displacement of the native Palestinians in 1948. This Zionist cult of European invaders mutilated the Bible by perverse interpretation to justify their political cause of robbing land and murdering the Natives. The cult claimed birth right to the Holy Land because they say that they are descendants of Abraham. There is no proof to their claim of birthrights because they are nothing, but a bunch of filthy liars inventing myths and spreading false prophecies to deceive the Christians and others. People who participated in this deception are either opportunists or committing a crime out of ignorance against humanity; ignorance is not an excuse for it perpetuates the deception to further the crime against humanity. (Zionist terrorizes Arab Jews to emigrate

In 740 A.D., the ruler of the Khazaria kingdom (in Eastern Europe) adopted a religion which is known today as Judaism, but which is really Talmudism (a practice that is so-called Judaism). Because the Khazar king converted to the Talmudic faith, the Khazars had no choice but either to get out of the Khazar kingdom or to become what we call today as Jews. The Khazars had no ancestors that put their toes in the Holy Land. The myths that they have been infiltrating in the mind of Christians to believe subconsciously are: -- “help repatriate God’s Chosen People to their Promised Land. It’s your Christian duty because on Sunday you go to church to kneel and worship a Jew, and we’re Jews” --. So when you heard from television, movies, and politicians or read from newspapers, books, and bumper stickers that the Jews are “God’s chosen people” and that “My God is a Jewish carpenter,” these are the work of deception spreading false prophets. (





First of all there is no where in the Bible that stated that “Jews are God’s chosen people” with the word Jews and chosen together in one statement from God. Secondly being a Jew is a matter of choice, a choice to join an organization. It is not what I say that is true, it is what the Bible stated that is the truth if you believe the Words are from God, otherwise just accept the Bible as one the oldest history book of humankind. (Esther 8:17 And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them, they became Jews.) For fear of the Jews, they decided to convert to Judaism. In Act 2: 5-11, there were converted Jews in First century A.D. Being a Jew does not mean you are the descendent of the man named Jacob/Israel (Genesis 32:28) because these verses stated Jews from every nation means exactly that Jews from every nation (and not Jews from one nation called Israel) gathered in Jerusalem because during that time Jews claimed Jerusalem to be the place to worship God. Another example in John 4:9-12, 4:19-25 showed that not every Israelite in the Bible was a Jew and not every Jew was an Israelite. In the meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus Christ talked to the Samaritan woman who was an Israelite Gentile; she was not a Jew (for Jews do not associate with Samaritans.) The Samaritan woman claimed her ancestor was from the line of Jacob (Israel; Genesis 32:28), and she asked Jesus, “Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well…”
Another myth used to empower this cult is claiming Jesus to be a Jew. Jesus Christ came to pave the way to worship in spirit and in truth. John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ (Matthew 3:1-13), an initiation process that Christians practice and that Jews do not practice this. Another twisted liar, the Zionist cult claimed that Jesus came from the descendants of David and the son of David was from descendants born of Jews. (Matthew 22:41-45 If then David calls him `Lord,’ how can He be his son?) Christ existed before David, so how can He be a born Jew. There is no record of Mary’s genealogy, but only of Joseph’s genealogy (Matthew 1:1-18), and of course Jesus came from Mary, not Joseph. When the Roman soldiers mocked Jesus about being “King of the Jews” (Matthew 27:27-31) Jesus agreed that He is king of the Jews because He is king of the Romans, king of the Americans, king of kings, king of the world. So how is this that God is a Jewish carpenter, the bogus myth imprinted subconsciously into people mind by the Zionist spook writers through the work of movies, TV evangelists, Ph.D. theology experts, and Media Pop cultures. Until the lies became true after repetition of hearing, implanted in the thought, people started to repeat the lies among themselves and to others. Therefore, what was once black than became white. (


This cult has brilliantly planned its foot of deception every where in the Western culture and in some part of the Middle East and Asia by the controlled use of political discourse: their use of languages and rhetoric to define Jews as a nation and calling their current Jewish state as “Israel” thus creating a subconscious confusion for Christians, Muslims, and others to associate them with the Israelites of the Bible. Their false Christian prophets mutilated the Bible into a weapon of deception to spread all kind of false prophecies that the “Jews” are reclaiming the Promise Land after 2000 years of exile to rebuild a New Jerusalem so Jesus Christ will come back just to get moral and financial support from the ignorant Christians. Furthermore, the cult spreads false interpretation of the Bible claiming that the current Middle East crisis is a 4000 years war between Isaac (Jewish father) and Ishmael (Arab/Muslims father) and that it is a Holy War.
There are “Jews” that are against the crime of this cult but because they have been conditioned from birth to believe that they are some kind of a special race from God. So therefore in their moral stand for peace, they would advocate the rhetoric of peace with the Palestinians as the descendants of their long lost brother Ishmael. A rhetoric once again, as if these “Jews” were really the blood line of Abraham’s descendants (Isaac and Jacob/Israel) which again reiterating their birth right to stay in Palestine because the “Jews” are chosen (from God) that’s why persecution by the world and anti-Semitism is unavoidable. The “Jews” actually believe that they are the seeds of Isaac because they have been brainwashed and conditioned since birth to believe in this myth out of ignorance; therefore, they continue the rhetoric of lies and actions that continue to empower the Zionist cult.

Beside their use of Biblical names and phony Christian prophecies to confuse the audiences, the bias media reports always dehumanize the Palestinians’ cause as senseless aggressors and their suffering and death mean nothing. The Zionist cult portrays by Western media as democratic, just and fair while diluting the Zionists oppressing, torturing, killing, and ethnic-cleansing of the Palestinians. The indifferent audiences are confused by Zionists’ propaganda so they never question the idea of a “Jewish state” in Palestine as being an apartheid or a colonialism that destroy the native Palestinians ancestors’ land of more than 4000 years of history and culture. (



Logical common sense: looking at those “Jews’ faces” that came to invade Palestine in 1947, can you tell the difference between a Nazi, a Nazi Jew, and a “Jew”? You only know if they said that they are “Jews” and also when they wore their beanie caps. The myth that Lemmings believe is that the Anglo/Aryan white features were due to interracial marriage over thousands of years. Bogus! If they spread their seeds everywhere in Europe, the whole European race must be Jewish because they all look like a pot of Anglo/Aryan white race if Jewish religion is by birth right through either the mother or the father. These European cult invaders are a bunch of impostor Jews with no proof of being the descendants of the Israelites of the Bible. If they can claim they are “Jews and Israel,” then nothing can stop any Europeans or others from claiming he or she is one by being a follower of the “Jews” religion. When the cult cried anti-Semitism to silent their critics by saying that the world hates them because of who they are as a race, keep in mind that “Jews” have no race and are found in every race who wants to join the club. Also in 1813, the word Semitic was used for Palestinian Arabs.

From the references of the Bible Old Testament, Abraham came from Ur of Chaldeans (today is called Iraq) traveled to the land of Canaan. There were different tribes living in that land. Over times, Abraham’s descendants (Israelites, Edomites, Ishmaelites, etc…) co-existed with each others and the tribes’ people of that land. There were references from the Bible that they married each others and the tribes’ people that they co-existed with. Through the many centuries of marriages, they became a component of what we called today as Arabs (because they speak Arabic). Genesis13:15 God said to Abraham: ”All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.” God did not promise the land to the Jews, followers of Judaism, or Talmudism Jews; God promised the land forever to the seeds of Abraham. The seed of Abraham recorded in the Old Testament were from tribes of Abraham’s descendants marrying other Canaanites tribes.

These websites



The Big Problem: The Palestinians are suffering from harassment, midnight mysterious kidnaps, and tortures (such as mutilating genitals, breaking bones, poking eyes out, etc.). Every day there are at least four Palestinians being murdered by the Zionist cult. Because of American mainstream media pro-Zionism and because Palestine history was not taught in school, most Americans remain ignorance to what really happened. Thus, ignorance reaps ignorance, which perpetuates the evil of this Zionist cult: greedy for money and power are the root cause for their imperialism and colonialism masked behind religions.

What you can do to help save the Palestinians?
1) Educate others about Zionism truths and myths: knowledge is power. Copy and forward this message to friends and family, especially your minister.
2) Support morally or financially groups that support Palestine: attend protests & demonstrations.


3) Avoid watching “Jews” Holocaust movies: you are paying to be brainwashed.
4) Read alternative news:


Free Speech Radio For locations, check

5) Boycotts:

6) Write and fax letters or call your Congress and let them know that you do not approve of the billions of dollars sent to aid Israel while school funds are being cut and homeless people are sleeping on the streets. Otherwise, the Pro-Israel lobbies will be calling your congress.




7) If you want to be more informed: books to read.
-Zionism and the State of Israel: A Moral Inquiry by Michael Prior
-The Palestinian Catastrophe: The 1948 expulsion of a people from their homeland by Michael Palumbo
-Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak
-The Passionate attachment: America’s involvement with Israel 1947 to the present by George W. Bell and Douglad B. Bell
-Arabs and Israel for beginners by Ron David
-Necessary illusions by Noam Chomsky
-The Question of Palestine by Edward W. Said
-Israel, an apartheid state by Uri Davis
-The Lobby: Jewish political power and American foreign policy by Edward Tivnan
-The case of Israel: a study of political Zionism by R. Garaudy
-Deliberate deceptions: facing the facts about the US – Israeli relationship by Paul Findley
-The Holy Bible: new international version or King James Version