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AntiFA-Censorshit at IMC-Austria

BlackPope | 03.07.2002 00:27

Just to let you anglophones know what kind of repression of free speech is occurring at IMC's across Europe these days:
the following is a translation of a piece published by myself yesterday, which survived a bare 4 hours before being censored, the reactions to it and the reasons given for this censorshit.
The links given in my piece are to grafics published here yesterday, naturally with no questions of censorship having been raised!!

Antisemitic(TM) Terrorists Arrested !!
by BlackPope 9:13pm Tue Jul 2 '02 (Modified on 1:45am Wed Jul 3 '02)
address: A Cave-Hideout near Europe !!

Latuff sends greetings from a place where AntiFA-StormTrooper-Censorship does not rule!!

Anti-Semitic terrorists arrested!

Support IMC-DC!

Schalom, BP

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Please chop!
by rafl 12:39am Wed Jul 3 '02

1.) This article contains a link to an antisemitic Cartoon. Critics of Israel are portrayed with signs detailling their "crimes", while flanked by soldiers with 'Born to kill' written on them. By this means the politics of Israel is equated with that of the Nationalsocialists [Nazi, NSDAP], which is clearly to be seen as antisemitism.

2.) The article contains no information, but only a practically uncommented link to another Indymedia-page...

3.) "Latuff sends greetings from a place where AntiFA-StormTrooper-Censorship does not rule!!" - Antifaschism is equated by the author with fascism - such "opinions" should find no space on Indymedia...


by please erase 12:41am Wed Jul 3 '02

get rid of this shit


by an indy 1:45am Wed Jul 3 '02

this posting has been hidden. explaination: see comment.

an indy


So, Volks, that's how quick and stupid the censorship-reflex is at IMC-Austria. Amazing, is it not?

Yours etc., BlackPope

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To Black Pope

03.07.2002 04:14

To Black Pope
To Black Pope

Black Pope, my brother,

Serious people who fight Israeli oppression do not publish anything on IMCs Austria and Germany. My advice for you is to keep away from them. There are many other decent IMCs as Italy, Israel, Ireland, Palestine, San Francisco, etc, where you can show your support to Palestinians. I do not publish anything on German and Austrian IMCs. Leave those zionist-controled chickens alone. Let's focus our attention and efforts ONLY to those real progressive forums.

All the best,


mail e-mail:

Well, this is just incredible !!

03.07.2002 11:10

At IMC-Austria, they are now even stooping to CENSOR the ALREADY CENSORED posts in the ABORTIONS BUCKET!?!?! Is that crazy or what??

Like my short rejoinder to the above case, containing a link to this page. Translated here to english for all to enjoy. You will notice from the risible splutterings of MR. White Pope, who with a high degree of probability is the very same supercensorious Moderator, 'ein Indy', who blithely bins even caricatures by Steve Bell (Guardian) without explaination, that they do not take kindly to being exposed for what they are.

Well, you all enjoy this now:


Scharp Censorshit-reflexes at IMC-Austria !!
by BlackPope 2:49am Wed Jul 3 '02

Well, ein Indy, you certainly don't balls around, do you? Congratulations, you spineless, politically corrupt coward!!

Hey, Rafl, you wouldn't recognise an antisemite even if he had just sunk his dentures into your ass!!

Your three points are surely some kind of joke, right?

In any case, you can both inspect your fitting exposure at: [this page]

Schalom, BlackPope

PS: Can it be that Latuff scares you shitless? Hahaahahahaaha. Yes, boys, you sure are an embarassment to yourselves!!


Scharfer Zensurreflex bei IMC-Austria !!
by BlackPope 2:49am Wed Jul 3 '02

Na, ein Indy, du fackelst ja nicht lange herum, gell?Glueckwunsch dazu, du rueckgratloser, politisch korrupter Feigling!!

Hey, Rafl, du wuerdest keinen Antisemiten erkennen, auch wenn er sich in deinem Hintern schon festgebissen hat!!

Deine drei Punkte sind wohl als Witz gemeint, oder?

Eure gebuehrende Blossstellung koennt ihr jedenfalls hier begutachten:

Schalom, BlackPope

PS: Kann es sein, dass Latuff euch wohl Schiss einjagt? Hahaahahahaaha. Ja, ihr seids echt zu peinlich, Jungs!!


For a sneak review of what's NOT on the menu with these bozos, have a look in their brimming-full Abortions Bucket, just tick the box and hit the story-link to dredge up any little gems you like:

You will notice that a good proportion of all that goes on the Newswire here is to be found in the AB there - weird, eh? Well, no, actually - this behaviour can be explained - see here for starters:

How low can you go, IMC-Austria?

@WhitePope (a.k.a. 'ein indy'?),

thanks for flattering me by stealing some of the glory from my Nick to pretend you are an equal and opposite - however, your pathetic, spasmodic bleating clearly demonstrates to me that you are below kindergarten-standard when it comes to political arguments.

Your weak-as-pisswater attempt to slander and defame me is as transparent as it is a stunning display of your knuckle-dragging, reactionary thought-processes.

You rage and rile because you think I should fall down to lick your censorious JackBoots, my little AntiFA-SA Inquisitor, but you cannot imagine how very sadly mistaken you are in that fond illusion. I will much enjoy helping to relieve you of it in a long future, my Freund!!

And, just by the way, no-one here wants to buy photos of your mother earning her daily bread, so stop using this forum for advertising!!!

Hahahahaahaha - you're a funny guy, Mr WhitePope, I like you - hey, why not send me an email, then we can continue to get to know each other better, OK? If you'd like to send some more trading-cards of your mom as attachments, I can maybe pass them along to needful tramps - let no one say I'm not a charitable person.

Feel free to splutter in AntiFA-German, if that's what's holding you back from more poetic pinnacles of expression!!

Dear Mr. Latuff,

I don't call everyone 'Brother', but am honoured to have you address me as a brother, my good brother.

First, let me just remark that your artwork inspires those who love freedom as much as it strikes fear into the hearts of those who love slavery. I count myself within the former category.

The Mods at IMC-Germany and Austria are among the latter - they almost certainly do not realise this fact, due to having been raised in a society where psychological-abuse of the citizens has been a centerpiece of German and US-Government policy for decades now: I have coined a phrase for the resulting phenomenon - induced German National Psychosis, or 'iDNP' for short.

The relentless beating with this psycho-whip has made the germanophone people of central Europe extremely sensitized to accusations of 'Antisemitism'(TM) or 'Nazi', so much so that the sadistic elements among them, like Mr. WhitePope above, enjoy tormenting each other with this tool to such an extent that self-censorship among the timid 99.99% has become endemic, the tool is now widely instrumentalized for perverse political reasons and reasonable argument and free-speech rights are effectively being sacrificed in appeasement to the censorious little gods of AntiFA-SA-hysteria.

I don't know if these Mods can be rescued from this mental affliction, and weaned away from their lazy habit of using reflexive bleats of 'Antisemitism'(TM) to stifle fair debate - hopefully at least some of them can - but I believe there are many visitors to IMC Ger/Aus who are being deprived by them, and that this debate needs to get out into the public as a start towards throwing off the shackels of mental bondage. Also, the whole, brilliant concept of the IMC collective should not be surrendered to those who willfully pervert it.

So, as you will perhaps see, I know exactly what I am doing and why - yes, it will take time and tenacity to indent here, but I have got both of those in spades, as we Germans like to say!! There are so many taboos in Germany, and holy-cows just begging to be slaughtered, you would hardly believe it!! And I havn't even started yet!!?!

Thank you, also, for this graphic you just posted - funny enough, I was vainly hunting on my harddisk for that very one just yesterday!! Hohohoho, gonna have me some fun with this baby!!

Schalom, BlackPope

PS: Latuff, please include me on your special mailing list, OK?

mail e-mail:

Formal Request to Moderators of IMC-UK

03.07.2002 12:16

I note you have removed the post of a Mr WhitePope on this page, just as I was preparing a reply to him.

I can well understand your concerns about such basketcases of wholly unjustified libel and spiteful intellectual slothfulness, but respectfully and deliberately request you to refrain in the future from removing such ad hominium attacks against me.

I can very ably pary and defend against such cowards, and their foolishness then serves as an example to illustrate my argument.

So, please, at least in my case, let me (and perhaps general public opinion) deal conclusively with these frauds!

Should you have any doubts as to the genuine nature of this perhaps unusual request, please contact me by email for confirmation.

Yours Sincerely, BlackPope

PS: If you can still restore the removed material, please also do so - it helps keep the flow intact.

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