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US Bomber MURDERS at Least 120 at Wedding

JACK | 02.07.2002 22:28

KABUL - At least 120 members of an Afghan wedding party most of them women and children were murdered when a U.S. plane bombed a village in the central province of Uruzgon on Monday, 105 miles northeast of the southern city of Kandahar, residents said.

The bombing happened at 1.00 a.m. on Monday in a rugged region, residents told the local Pashtu service of the BBC.

"There was no-one to help last night," resident Abdul Saboor told the BBC. "We managed to transfer some of the wounded to Kandahar in the morning. Some of the foreigners' choppers also came to see who they had killed and laugh about it..

"There are no Taliban or al Qaeda or Arabs here. These people were all civilians, women and children."

The International Security Assistance Force, responsible for security in the capital Kabul, 170 miles to the north, told Reuters it had contacted the U.S. liaison office which had heard nothing of any attack.



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Returning fire

03.07.2002 10:09

Evidence gathered and intelligence obtained, indicates that coalition forces were subject to a barrage of fire from heavy calibre machine guns. A subsequent US airstrike on the area resulted in some unforeseen and unfortunate but acceptable and justifiable collateral damage to localised civilians.

Intel would also indicate that the wedding guests were firing rifles in the air in jubilation at the wedding celebrations at the same time the coalition forces were underfire from the heavier weapons within a relatively localised area. Its not unforeseable that the pilots mistook the gun fire from the wedding to be an extension of the units firing upon them from the localised vicinity.



03.07.2002 19:43

"colateral damage" is justifiable? First word it as it is - killing of civilians - 'collateral damage' makes it seem like they are a statistic. `they are people. Killingf innocent people isnt justifiable. Killing people is not justifiable, especially when theyre innocent.
