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London No Borders Nite, Radical Dairy, Fri 5 July

London No Borders group | 01.07.2002 21:37

Come to the Radical Dairy this Fri for a No Borders caff, plus videos and info on the Strasbourg No Borders Camp

Get along to the Dairy this Friday for the caff (nosh dished up around 8pm) and:

Videos: Strasbourg promo video, anti-deportation actions & previous border camps

Discussions: What will happen in Strasbourg? Previous Border camps.

Plus a crash course in activist French!

Personne est illegal!!

London No Borders group
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Radical Dairy

01.07.2002 22:44

Radical Dairy
47 Kynaston Road
Stoke Newington
N16 0EB

Br: Dalston Kingsland, Stoke Newington Station
Buses: 73, 76, 67, 243, 149

Alex Cow
mail e-mail: